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Addiction vs Recovery

Dec 19, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

Darkness, pain, insecurity, anxiety, rejection, worry, poverty, isolation and suicide.

These are just some of the words used to describe the tremendous turmoil and horror addicts may face daily.

Whilst addiction may lie on a spectrum of severity, if one finds that their life has become unmanageable and hopeless, then this itself is severe.

It matters not whether their poison, drug of choice or recurring habitual behaviour is alcohol, drugs, sex, food or gambling.

What matters once a person gets honest with themselves and identifies they are an addict is that they ‘reach out’.

The mistake sometimes is that the addict, overcome by shame hurt and embarrassment, reaches out to someone who has never battled with addiction themselves.

Due to Stigma, distortion and Mis-guided information regarding addiction - many addicts fail to find the 12 step programmes of recovery.

However, those that do find the 12 step recovery programmes are on the road to true freedom, joy, spiritual awareness, connection, fellowship, well-being, unity and unconditional love.

For the addict in recovery, the journey and process is not easy and it’s one for life.

Addiction is not a problem with a weak-will but an actual disease of the body and a spiritual malady of the heart and mind.

There is no quick fix out of addiction. The admission of powerlessness is essential and is the cornerstone for every addicts recovery journey.

For many addicts, jails and institutions becomes a distant yet vivid memory of the past. However, the fear of relapse for some grows stronger everyday.

The healing power of Forgiveness is truly one of wonderment, but the addict should not just seek forgiveness and amends from others which is step 8 in the recovery journey. It’s essential that the addict first and foremost forgives themselves.

Daily Submission and Surrender to a power greater, is key to the joys, freedom, serenity, peace and blissful success of recovery.

This is known by those who were once helpless, torn, rejected and fractured by addiction.

This article is written to encourage any suffering addict who feels hopeless, irritable and discontent… that there is recovery programmes that help those struggling with addiction.

Spirituality is key in accessing the power within that will carry the addict across the rainbow bridge of recovery.

I’m very grateful to have this platform where I can reach out to those who may be struggling with addiction to send the message that only an addict can help another addict !

Darren Peters

Addiction and Transpersonal Therapist

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May 27, 2024, 09:00
Spiritual Coaching/ascension mentor

We are in very unique times and many do not realise the spiritual implications of the outer chaos.

I will combine my psychotherapy qualification with my knowledge of alchemy and hermetic laws to teach each individual these laws, how to apply them and make them relevant to each person

Get in touch for a discounted consultation and price is per session

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Distance Healing
Darren Peters
May 27, 2024, 09:00
Violet Ray Distant energy Healing

The violet Ray is one of 12 Ascended energetic rays I have been initiated and trained to utilise in my remote energy healing therapy

It works on all levels of being be that emotionally, mentally, energetically and spiritually.

Once you book a violet Ray energy session with me I will give you a free consultation and work with your higher self to incorporate further energetic vibrations into the healing session.

As it is done over zoom and remotely this session cost has been reduced.

This healing is designed to transmute and redesign your quantum energy field utilising my knowledge of sacred geometry and crystal healing. We are ALL whole and eternal spiritual beings but have been programmed to forget this reality. Book a violet ray session and release the old vibrations and learn to embrace and synthesise the new Earth energy field for 2021.

Please see article written by myself on the Alchemy of the Violet Ray for more explanation

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Darren Peters
May 27, 2024, 09:00
Serenity healing sessions

Grant me the serenity
To accept the thing I can not change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference

There are many things happening right now that we can not change and many things that we can

Drawing on the power of each clients higher self these sessions are a combination of talking therapy and energy healing to bring peace and serenity into the clients heart, mind and soul.

Take advantage of half price introduction consultation

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