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5th Dimensional Earth

Dec 16, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

We live on a truly beautiful planet which has endured countless wars, man made catastrophes and senseless environmental pollutions.

Many people on the planet have failed to understand and acknowledge the simple truth that if it was not for our Dear Mother Earth, we would not have the opportunity for a physical existence or experience.

This truth is one of many why more and more people are learning to align their consciousness with that of the planets and are becoming multi-dimensional.

The ‘Spirituality of the Earth’ is Shifting and Ascending. We as beings of the the Earth are intrinsically connected to the energy of the Earth and can align our consciousness to its ascending energy.

In the Hermetic Laws you will find the Law of Correspondence and it’s in this law you will find the ancient axiom ‘As above so Below, as Below so Above’.

Crystals are very important at this time and can be used as spiritual allies that will connect your energy to the ascending energy of the Earth and in turn provide the individual with the access to the higher multi-dimensional vibrations of the planet.


1. Holding a crystal in your left palm start to focus on your breathing.

2. Focus your attention in your heart centre and think of the beauty of the Earth.

3. Generate the feeling of gratitude and send this gratitude to the Crystal

4. Allow the Crystal to transmit this energy of gratitude to the Earth.

5. Stay in this blissful energy for as long as you are comfortable returning back to the breath focusing on your heart centre.

The more we as people of this troubled planet realise that we must pull together in love and unity for each other and for the planet, the quicker we will truly witness a grand paradigm shift.

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