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Piporan Robert

Psychologist, specialized in Social Psychology and Psycho Pedagogy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Transformational Life Coaching certified practitioner. Currently working on helping my clients better dealing with anxiety, dep…
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Expert in the fields:Emotional Trauma Therapy/Social Psychology/Career Coaching/Cognitive-behavioral therapy
5 years of practice
On Core Spirit since September 2021
Berlin, Germany
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New session Transformational Life Coaching CBT and NLP based 1 on 1 sessions already available! Book it now

New session Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 1 on 1 sessions already available! Book it now

Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Piporan Robert
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 1 on 1 sessions
Career Coaching
Piporan Robert
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Transformational Life Coaching CBT and NLP based 1 on 1 sessions