<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Cat | Core Spirit


Hello I’m Cat. I’m into meditation and Dark Work and wearing cat ears a lot! I write constantly about Spirituality and the mechanisms of materialism and society that constantly drain our vibrational energies! I’m a Sagittarius Sun Gemini moon.
Personality Psychology
Vegan Diet
Social Psychology
Feelgood Techniques
About Cat

Hello I’m Cat. I’m into meditation and Dark Work and wearing cat ears a lot! I write constantly about Spirituality and the mechanisms of materialism and society that constantly drain our vibrational energies!

I’m a Sagittarius Sun Gemini moon.

14 years of practice
On Core Spirit since November 2020
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The Dangers of the Vegan Diet: Danger to Modern Society NOT YOU!

The Dangers of the Vegan Diet: Danger to Modern Society NOT YOU!

There is a divide that modern “logical society” has created within us to find "empirical" sources for all our justifications. There is a split in humanity now through the sciences to mistrust our internal morality and personal experiences. Instead everyone wants to have some sort of authority figure or "source" to cite upon which they can build a structure of reasoning and justifications for their reasoning. The very structure of this thought architecture is actually quite disastrous to our very being and causes us to ignore the most important realizations about ourselves as we are too muddled and distracted by comparisons and divisions instead of synth-thesis.

What reasoning do you need aside from yourself to know that you probably should not eat animals? If we spent enough time alongside them we would be TOO Familiar to eat them because we would have attachment and compassion towards them. Feelings would spring up no matter how much we tried to deny them. Not that we cannot overcome these feelings with cold hard divisive logic, but the feelings will simply be there but now just suppressed against our truer natures.

The only thing enabling us to Eat Them is the artificial separation between us and Them created by the Logistics and Separation of the Supermarket and that Someone-Else is paid to be in close proximity to the animals to rear and raise them for us so we never have to opportunity to get too emotionally attached.

In this way we pay someone else to properly distance us from our own murder and cruelty towards them. Then we have the easier task of suppressing that inner voice inside us that still says it's wrong to consume them, but that voice is far far easier to quell than to destroy all of the attachments we would have potentially made had we raised our own livestock.

That inner caring voice is very easily quieted by our deference to outside authority that makes justifications for why it is okay to have this cruel system so that we too can engage in the cruelty and shovel mouthfuls of suffering into our mouths, to satisfy our hedonistic lust for flesh. But why do we even have this Lust for Flesh? Is it SEXUAL! Are we FUCKING the Animals by putting them in our mouth? No you proper dirty minded hedonist. Our hedonism is of a different form you sicko. We actually consume animals for a couple of different reasons: most of them are just made up bull-shit and I will ignore those here because they are irrelevant.

We consume animals because it is "normal". We also consume animals because we are "better than them", and that is our "right" as the superior species of this world. It's a power trip to eat these beings and display proudly that we are beyond nature and in full control of it, and can can control and consume it at will. Our sin is that of self-aggrandizement.

But these thoughts are just illusions. We are still apart of nature. We still feel for the animals, and if we accidentally spend too much time with them, with no businesses crafted to separate us form our cruelty required from consumption: we will realize that we are just like them.

Not only are we like the animals we consume, but they are also like us. They think, feel, and have motivations and goals. Their aims may be lower than ours because they are simpler but they have the same need for social structures and desires for some form of prosperity. They may not be able to read or understand the outer world through their limited mind or from their perceptual confines of their captivity, but we too have created humans in this way before. We used to, and still do to some extent, have slaves. They did not read, or have freedom, and were used for their labor and often dispatched when they had nothing left to give. They were often not murdered but more frequently worked to death to save their owners the cruelty of their dispatchment as they could not justify the murder of a person who simply followed orders properly their entire lives.

To a slave, "murder" is just "something that happened to them" out of the "control" of the slave owner. But it was under the control of the slave owner. The owner can say that it was the "system" that crushed his slave as the system of slavery demanded that he be worked to death, and that was a form of murder outside of his control. The slave “simply” died because his body could not handle the burdens put on him as though he had any control over age and time itself. The slave owner can distance himself form the murder of the slave because it too is not his fault that Time and Aging could not be conquered so it’s “no ones fault” that he was murdered as this was just apart of the “system” they belonged to.

However, the Slave Owner never stepped into the System to try and change it because why would he? The system was generating for him profits and delights and all the hedonism he desired from his property in both sexual appetites and power tripping over his own property, taking delight in the fact that he was "above" someone else that was not really fully "human", and thus deserved no protections. And, it provided him with all the finances he needed to have a very comfortable life. Why would he interfere and interfere with this luxuries, comfortable life, and feelings of superiority over someone else? Interfering with anything may make him a Social Pariah and he will lose all of these luxuries and have his livelihood and monetary profits too die under the crushing burden of the System in which he lives.

Even today we have Animals. They're not-human. So the Empirical-Evidence of our System World says that we don't need to respect them if we do not desire to do so. Our system subsidizes their production and removed as much cruelty as possibly from our eyes to spare us the moral burdens involved in consuming our fellow living beings. The Monetary-Price is even right due to artificial government interference through financial subsidies to make the meat cheaper for the end Consumer.

The economic price for financial cruelty is actually quite high. As growing, rearing, and raising animals is far higher than producing their plant-based alternative calorie, vitamin, and mineral wise. So, so much so, that if the cruelty were to remain unsubsidized the vast majority of people would not be able to afford meat at every meal. This is, however, what is done because The System deems it to be this way. The System has decided that meats need to be artificially cheaper than they actually are in production costs so we can continue to consume them commonly on the daily.

We are so Systemic in our thinking and so Empirical in our thinking, that we are never allowed to Feel for Ourselves would could possibly be an Alternate Truth: a personal truth from within instead of from externalities and outside messages we have our inner world hypnotized by. Even our morality is mostly based on outside social contracts of what is Right and Wrong. A boss abusing their employees at work and making them miserable and not giving them equal health insurance, vacation time, perks or benefits is the bosses "right" as a "Higher Form of Human” who does deserve all those things but those beneath Him do-not.

Animal cruelty is the same way. We humans have certain rights and those "below" us deserve rights less in quantity or quality.

These is a common theme here in why we eat animals and why we have our social stratification of different “Classes of Human” the way that it is. There is always an Artificial Human Need for some sort of Superiority and some sort of Inferiority. This hierarchy has to continue and extend to animals, through meat consumption, to artificially include them in our human-hierarchy. Else, the lowest human on the societal and economic totem-pole will eventually realize that they are getting a raw-deal and being treated as sub-human with less rights and privileges. The lost personas will become too aware that they are constantly being shit-on by the “superior-humans” societally above them, and being forced to endure more cruelty, hardships, and humiliations because they are "lesser" in our Systemic Hierarchy of Human Suffering.

Our sentient-being-based-food is just a training ground for the cruelty that we inflict upon each other in a hierarchical manner. Bosses are economically and socially separated from their employees so they may divide themselves from their own cruelty. In this way Bosses are more easily able to deny their slaves the material benefits that they themselves are awarded and have artificial justifications for this behavior.

Animals are a stand in to this process of feeling like we are above something else. They are a stand-in for our Egocentric Elevation. They make us feel both like we are beyond nature and not the lowest persons in a natural hierarchy and also in our human Unnatural-Hierachy. Because, even if you are the lowest human, at least you are so privileged as to have power to inflict pain and suffering upon a beast so that your mental and social status is secured as being "more than" something else.

When you tell people to Go Began you are threatening this hierarchy. You are threatening the External-Hierarchy and a persons Internal-Hierarchy as well. It putting both their external and internal worlds into question for review. However, they cannot do this “review” of their perceptions because there is no “Empirical Outside Evidence” to tell them what is right and what is wrong. They may actually have to think for themselves for once and that is Dangerous. You are putting in jeopardy their entire world view and place in the social and natural hierarchies and telling them that they are no better than plants because that is all that the will mentally be allowed to have a "cognitive kingdom" over once animal oppression and meat consumption is removed.

No one likes being told that they are only better than plants. "Plants" is not something that is sentient or an individual. We don't think of individual flowers or trees. We think of flower beds and forests. You can't have dominion over a single plant because it does not make a good discreet "slave". You cannot enslave a Forest or even a Single Tree. A tree is too resolute about being a tree and nothing more and nothing less.

A tree simply is a "tree". No matter where you place it, it will still reach towards the sunlight and prosper without our doing. Even if you slaughter a tree it is still wood with properties outside of our control. We can only eat the parts of plants that they allow us to consume by growing those sections for us. The sections that we eat are consensual and are given to us as gifts by nature for the picking and harvesting do we may be sustained.

These foods from plants are of a different nature from those we get from animals. They are more like gifts from Gaia herself as trees and plants are not concerned with continuing their lives in perpetuity and don't struggle to survive in a sentient way like animals do. Our very lives are simply gifts from the plants.

With a tree or plant there is nothing to conquer as trees are not enslaveable. They simply reach for the sunlight unaware of what we "humans" are personally doing. You can't feel "superior", "superlative" or like a "slave-master" to nature because it is so much more powerful and greater than us. Just like we cannot really contain a tornado or hurricane and are helpless to natural disasters, likewise we cannot contain or try to elevate ourselves above a plant or tree properly.

The vegan based diet is too humbling in its gratitude towards nature. It is too humbling in that we simply have to accept these gifts from mother earth to survive and without them we would wither and die.

With animals it is so much more convenient to feel superior. You can feel superior over a single pig or rabbit because they are discrete and not apart of something larger in our cognitive perceptions. A tree or plant is a citizen of nature that we can never hope to fully conquer. Nature is our superior and we know this as we often suffer Her wrath during natural disasters.

A rabbit, on the other hand, is easily controllable. We can make it suffer. We can traumatize it, and we can eat it. The rabbit gives us not only nourishment but the Illusion-of-Control over Mother Nature. It gives us this false delusion and security over mother nature, so by consuming this discrete beast we have gained superiority over something grander than us but only in a form of illusion and delusions. However, these False Perceptions are enough to satisfy us weak minded human beings.

So why do people not want to stop eating meat? Because it will humble us too much. It will make it far too evident that we are just like the animals. Only our artificial social system and quoting "empirical" evidence of this or that as "truths" protects us form our own inferiority to thing larger than ourselves. The animals that we eat are just a crutch to inflate our own artificial superiority over "something". It doesn't matter what the "something" is as long as we are superior to something.

We are still in our social framework, a rather infantile species that judges our humanity in comparison to something else. “Correct-Intellectual” thinking and the Sciences are always "divisive" in their analysis. This is the context of our current infantile culture. We think in comparisons and dichotomies to the exclusion of our own wholeness.

We are this compared to that, We are that compared to this. Never do we contemplate that we simply “Are” and that we simply “exist” without comparison to some external standard that really is no credible standard at all.

But, if we stopped looking at these divisions we would see, that we are all One. We are not separate entities. We ARE Nature, and we are all fully apart of this planet as small sections of it.

The Vegan Diet leads too easily to this type of thinking. Without Superiority over animals by consuming them it’s far too easy to realize we ARE Nature, and that thought-form is very threatening to the social context and power hierarchy that we reside in now. If we all realized we were all actually equal, not only to the beats but also with each-other our larger society wouldn't know what the hell to do with itself because it would have no one to oppress and with which to generate comparisons with through these types of cruelty.

Without comparisons most people would not be able to have any pride in themselves. Without something else to violently pierce a lever of self worth into, most people not have a pivot point for their positive restitutions and self-image. They must pivot onto something to find pride and fake self worth instead of independent self-love.

Most people just don’t know how to live without compare and contrast to externalities, and that is where the domain of our distaste and dissatisfaction and misery with ourselves lies. We are always trying to distract ourselves from ourselves with a bunch of damaging-lies related to our own concept of our worth. We take this dissatisfaction with ourselves out on the animals by consuming them instead. They are our abuse victims that make us feel superior through violence and by bringing them artificially into our human hierarchy through consumption so we can stand over them as superiors to boost our own egos.

We (us, animals, plants, beasts, nature) are all One. And, THAT is far too dangerous a Thought Form to be allowed to exist in our current global social climate. Overturning the current way of thinking and perceiving would bring us closer to nature and initiate the greatest "Natural Disaster" in recorded human history.

This Thought Form would lead to the Most Natural of Disasters. This would not be a natural disaster in the form of an Earth Quake or Tornado or Hurricane in the external world, but it would destroy internally, in a great calamity, the very fabric of our reality and social structures. All-is-One would wipe away the "facts" and "empirical evidence" or "social structures" and "societally approved morality". Instead All-is-One will give rise to A More Natural Order upon which a New World might perhaps emerge from. A world where there just isn't any justification for turning a blind eye and purposeful abuse simply for the sake of our own selfish individualistic divisive elevation over others.

This threatens our power structure and our society and it is not "allowed" because no one knows what would happen during the process of this Greatest and Naturalist Disasters of the Mind and Soul, as everything we have ever thought about Comparative-Reality would be destroyed and we would realize our every perception were all tainted the entire time.

Instead we ARE NATURE, and that is a very dangerous thoughtform because that Rabbit-Hole leads to an uncharted destination and definitely to an uncharted Process of a Single Revolution. Not a revolution of Countries or States, but a revolution of Humanity Itself that will encompass the entire world at once.

That is why, the vegan diet is too dangerous for most people to comprehend. It will cause them to "comprehend themselves”, and in comprehending ourselves we will realize that there is no "ourselves". There is no real power. Our hierarchies are lies and deceptions we tell ourselves to elevate ourselves ego-centrically above something else. It didn’t matter what that thing we tried to elevate ourselves above was. It could heave been anything, anything Else outside of ourselves, it doesn't matter what it is, as long as we are "better" than someone or something else. If only 3 things existed in the entire universe and one of those things was human, the human would find a way to justify his superiority over at least one and probably both of those items for absolutely no reason at all.

The Vegan Diet is Dangerous because this dietary change in the external world will most definitely change your internal world. It will change your internal world to the ultimate realization that we are not actually humans, or a species, or individuals but that we are Simply Earth. There is no comparisons to make. There is nothing else to be compared to: there is Simply Earth.

Even our bodies are just accumulations of Earth. When we die we decompose and return to the Earth, but we were always Earth. Our Earthilyness is Beyond Time because we always have been and always well be Earth. The only thing stopping us from realizing this is our own ego-centrism that forces us to value our own individual non-permanent "existence" that is not forever.

In the grander scope we are just Earth. We are just Earth, can you really allow yourself to let that fully sink in for a single second? Do you have the courage to fully take in that concept? We are just Earth in different forms temporarily but Earth none the less. When we eat off of plants we are simply giving gifts to ourselves. When we consume another animal we are simply being cruel to ourselves.

Why so much hatred for ourselves? Why try to continually prove to ourselves that we are better than other sections of ourselves?

We are just Earth. Why can't we just let that be and fully come to grips with it?

We are just Earth. Don't base it on Empirical evidence. Just feel that you are Earth and Connect to the Divine Mother who has always been beneath your feet trying to ground you from your own delusions about how you and Her are separate when you're not.

We are just Earth.

And, this is why the Vegan Diet is so dangerous: it will lead to realization of our own Earthliness.

The Pear of True Sight

There is a Pear of True Sight: Take a Bite!

My Central Thesis: There really isn't much to do spiritually with other people.

I have found that the vast majority of other Spiritual people are completely useless because of their purposeful lack of vision.

As it says in the first words of the Kybalion "The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ear of understanding".

People say they love the world and are caring and compassionate and super super spiritual. And, to those same people I ask them a simple question: Are you Vegan?

Not that everyone is supposed to be or capable of being vegan. Changing your diet is not the issue, but the question itself "Are you Vegan?" IS the issue for consideration. If you are NOT Vegan, then you are okay with the suffering of animals in order to satiate your hedonistic love for flesh. Pain suffering and death are created just for our dietary salacious appetites.

The point I'm making is beyond veganism though. The point I'm making is, how much of the world has to suffer? How much do we have to suffer through self-inflicted torture just for a series of temporary pleasures like our dietary preference for meat? When we inflict pain and suffering on other beings, we are still hurting ourselves even if we conveniently hide this suffering behind the store front of a butcher shop.

Hardly anyone is willing to give up the things they enjoy maladaptively for the greater good or even for their own personal well being, and generally Spiritual people are the worst in this regard. Spiritual people are the worst in this regard because they know better through their spirituality and still purposefully chose to ignore this issue.

You can eat animals, I don't care. But what I do care about, is people being aware that eating other sentient beings will literally stop you from getting close to enlightenment and will close off all manor of spiritual paths to you because you will have to be closing off and compartmentalizing your heart chakra. You will have to convince yourself that causing the suffering of other sentient beings is okay because it bring you pleasure. You will have to be okay with the fact that you are turning your back on the torture and slaughter of animals and trying to feign ignorance about what really goes on on farms and slaughter houses so you can enjoy your daily ration of pain and suffering meat bricks and liquid torture milk products.

In this compartmentalization of the heart, we find what is wrong with society. Our global mantra is : "causing the suffering of others is okay and justified as long as you do it in the right context". You have to accept this to some extent because as it is now, your very existence causes the suffering of others in some shape way or form just because you need resources to exist. There is no way around this.

The problem is NOT that we cause the suffering. The Problem is that we are not willing to fully SEE the suffering we are causing in order to not deal with our own guilt towards what was has to continue to happen just so we can live and exist. We personally Cause the suffering of Others, be okay with that. Suffering is apart of life and there is nothing wrong with that. We cause suffering and that is okay. By not seeing that we Personally cause Suffering and are apart of the global suffering through our small contribution: By ignoring the sight and taste of the badness that we personally cause, that is what is actually wrong with the world. Do not worry about the suffering that we cause, but instead worry about the suffering that we CHOOSE not to see.

You can still be okay with the slaughter and killing of animals and eating them if you do not deny these things. The heart chakra is not about compassionate acts, but about viewing the world compassionately. Even if you are responsible for killing these animals but still view it 100% the way it truly is without trying to diminish what is actually going on, then there is no problem with the heart chakra. As long you don't compartmentalize and lie to yourself about what is really going on to give you animal meat, then there is no problem.

"View the World through the Lens of Love and Compassion" is the saying of the heart chakra with word "View" being very important. It says to "View" the world and not necessarily to do anything about it or to take any sort of action. In fact we might not even have to do anything at all to the world as long as we view it properly the way it actually is. Perhaps if we see the world properly perhaps one day we can take proper action, but for now focus now only on the proper viewing of it.

If we see the world the way it actually is we will appropriately see our own role in this world. Society lives in a permanent state of Collective Delusion: we are apart of this Global Delusion. We must understand our role in this delusion and accept it fully without bias or preference. We play our own role here, for better or for worse, and we just have to accept it and accept it fully.

So, Problem 1 with other Spiritual People. They don't want to view the world the way it really is. Before action, before learning, before self-healing, and before anything else: people have to view the world and the way they are, the way it really is. Because of the interconnectedness of society we ourselves are contributing to this shitty world simply by existing in our own shitty ways. We are all apart of the toxicity of this world in some shape way or form. But, like a carbon foot print's impact on the ecosystem, all we can realistically do is minimize our own levels of toxicity that we ourselves put out into the world. We need Toxicity-Neutral, or preferably Toxicity-Lower, ways of living.

We will all always be toxic. There will always be some toxicity to us and someone will always dislike us because of our own portion of suffering that we put into the world, and that's fine. Just like suffering is of the nature of this existence so is the toxicity that we put out. Suffering and toxicity are requirements to even exist and survive in this 3d world.

Like I said, people don't want to admit that their own life-poop stinks. All we can really do is try to minimize our own Toxic-Footprint on this world. There is a type of "Toxic Carrying Capacity" that the world has, and all we can really do is try to stay below our personal Toxic-Carrying-Capacity. Toxic-Carrying-Capacity and Pollution-Carrying-Capacity are the Ying and Yang of this world's future and directly related to Climate Change and Pollution. If we begin to correct our inner Toxic Lives and Heal so will the outer world also begin to Heal in terms of ecosystem health. The world is Externally Polluted because we are Internally Polluted. Self-Work on a large enough scale will naturally lead to External Work towards the Pollution and Climate Change Problem.

Pointing out that there is climate change and that we will all Fry in the a hot Ozoneless Oven of this Planet does nothing. These warning do nothing to change the Environment because the External Does not Change the Internal since we collectively are not ready. The Lips of Wisdom Speak only to the Ears Ready to Listen, and collectively we are not ready to listen, and no scientific warnings can make us internally ready to listen. Only though self-work will our Ears be ready to hear the wisdom all around us.

Back to the Toxic Foot Print: If others want to also lower their own Toxic-Footprint that is their own choice and has nothing to do with anyone else. There is no "greater-good" to contribute to, there is only what you personally want to do.

If others chose or can't be less toxic, there is no judgement or pity to pass on them. Everybody wants to do the greater good, but often they just can't. Either they are not ready internally or the outside world just pushes on them too hard for them to be able to do these types of good deeds for the world properly. The World is Already acting as Ethically and as Compassionately as it possibly can right now. There is no higher Maximum Global Compassion to reach right now, we are at the Maximum given peoples internal-lives and external pressures. The world is already doing the best that it can in terms of compassion right now. And, I remind you that Compassion is not Actions Taken but viewing things properly the way they actually are. The World is Seeing only what is currently Capable of Seeing.

As it says in the first words of the Kybalion "The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ear of understanding". The World does not have the ears ready to listen, so it cannot hear the wisdom. There, is no way to force this. Being ready to see and listen to things properly is a personal journey that no one else can externally do anything about. The Entire World is a reflection of our Collective Inner Lives, and if the External World is Shit it is because Collectively our Internal Lives are Shit. The External World and the External Levels of Compassion we see in society are an Averaging of our Internal-Worlds.

Like, I said all we can really do is work on ourselves and hopefully bring down this Average of Suffering. As it is said "The Inner is the Outer, The Outer is the Inner". The Division Between the Inner and Outer World: there is no Division. That Division is simply an illusion but the Division is still very Real to us because no matter what we do, we are still stuck in an existence of Duality. The illusion of Duality maybe only an Illusion but it's real enough to us in this existence to matter to us. However, if you wish to impact the outside world, all you can really do is impact yourself internally. Through work on your own inner world, you will impact the outer world Because you ARE the Outer World. And, the converse is also true the Outer World is also our inner world, but hopefully the part of the Outer World that impacts us the most is more things related to Mother Nature and less about those things in External-Toxic-Society.

So the question for clear reflection is: Are you Vegan or are you Not Vegan? Not so you will necessarily change your diet but so you can reflect on the types of things that you do to this world. Chances are however, that if you eat meat at every single meal, your toxicity-foot print is way way bigger than it has to be and you are bringing more suffering to this world than there has to be through the animals. Collectively, not just from meat eating but from other hedonistic short lived behaviors as well, is how we bring society and the world down a notch.

Our current modern lives are practically designed to destroy this world and designed to bring down the global vibrations. Going against the grain and going against the mold that society is constantly putting pressure on us to adhere to is so difficult that even the vast vast majority of awake spiritual people can't ever realistically hope to fight it.

This has been my observation and why I gave up working with others. There is just nothing you can realistically do, except work on your own Toxicity-Footprint. It's pointless to think or worry about what everyone else is doing. Don't worry about how others are still contributing to the global-toxicity more than they should because there is nothing you can do about it: this is the flaw of the Social Justice Warrior. All you can really do is worry about your own actions, your own spiritual journey, and what you personally do. In the grand scheme of the world it probably wont make a big difference, but it will make a difference to you.

So again I ask, are you Vegan? When I ask people why they are not vegan, they say "because I like sausage too much and meat is too tasty". And, that's why the world has to suffer: short sighted toxic behaviors are just too pleasurable. Contributing to this world's toxicity is just too easy. Being shitty to others is just the way to go. Being shitty is actually necessary most of the time for your own personal survival. To survive you must forcefully take from others, through economics, what you need to just eat and shelter and food and water. Basically to survive we must essentially hold each other hostage with our money and the threat of withholding these survival tokens from you unless you trade me the goods for my own life and survival. We live in an adversarial toxic economic system and there is no way around it.

Right now the way world is, our entire economy, operates not on a currency of monies but on a currency of toxicities. Those who gain the most wealth and attain the easiest of lives in terms of materialism are the biggest of the assholes. But, they are not people to envy. They might have many things, but they poisoned themselves to get those items and to get that financial security within our economies of pain, torture, and pointless ego tripping and stealing others energy and wage-slavery. All those things have a karmic-price and it's not worth it.

So like I said, even Spiritual People don't want to see the world it really is. So, any future of working together for a better world is pretty hopeless if we even are not really willing to see what is right before us.

Now, I say that working with Others is rather hopeless, but not that the Entire Current Situation is Hopeless. There is so little to seek out and learn form other people. And, to the contrary there is much more to learn from everything else around us that is NOT "people".

Don't forget to Analyze the world for what it really is.

I wont get too deep into what Nature has to offer us in terms of Wisdom aside from a few notes. Our real teacher is Nature and Goddess Gaia and the animals which were gifts from God put here to teach us lessons and share with us their animal-wisdom and different ways of Being. For now I'll just leave my related thoughts on The Importance of the Wind Element:

Element of  Wind 

Listen to the Wind
Listen to the Breeze
Listen to the Notes in the Leaves
for they have 
Our Inner Wisdom on Them

The melody of nature
The tune of the song birds
The passing of time

They speak to us the song 
The song of our quiet 
Silent Inner Development

She's been waiting for you 
Just to be ready
to Listen
this whole time 

Who we are to become 
is already out in Nature

In the Leaves
Flowing over the pond in ripples
As a Jasmine scent floating in the air
and over the water imitating its shape
opposite the ripples
It is the Wind 

We are the Wind 
We listen to Ourselves in the Breeze
So we can become Ourselves 

Our fully developed Inner Self
Is already Out There in Nature

Listen to the Wind
Listen to the Breeze
Listen to the Notes in the Leaves
for we ARE our Inner Wisdom

We are both Becoming
and also ARE
The Wind. 

We just spent all this time
Foolishly not listening to Ourselves

We are the Wind
Listen to our own 
Inner Wisdom in the Wind.
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New session Introduction to Meditation already available! Book it now

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New article Our Daily Ration of Cruelty: Animal conversion to Human Suffering already available! Read it now

Cat3y ago

New article The Dangers of the Vegan Diet: Danger to Modern Society NOT YOU! already available! Read it now

Cat3y ago

New article The Pear of True Sight already available! Read it now