<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> LEA MILLER | Core Spirit


Lea’s approach is very empathetic and she is renowned for her amiable, calming and supportive approach which ensures you are put at ease as soon as you meet her. She takes the time to understand the challenges you may face and works with you to determine which treatment is most suited to you.
Swedish Massage
Craniosacral therapy
Aromatherapy Massage

Lea’s approach is very empathetic and she is renowned for her amiable, calming and supportive approach which ensures you are put at ease as soon as you meet her.

She takes the time to understand the challenges you may face and works with you to determine which treatment is most suited to you.

On Core Spirit since October 2020
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Change your lifestyle to improve your health

Caring for your body by eating better, having more sleep, making time to relax and keeping yourself moving can have a significant impact on your health.

By eating more healthily you could:

Have more energy

Lower your risk of health problems like diabetes, cancer and strokes

Maintain a healthy weight

Improve your mood

By sleeping better:

You can keep your heart healthier

Reduce stress

Improve your memory

Repair your body quicker

Relaxing can:

Slow your heart rate.

Reduce stress hormones

Lower blood pressure.

Reduce muscle tension and chronic pain

By moving more you can:

Improve your health

Reduce your risk of serious health problems

Increase your energy levels

Maintain a healthy weight

How much water should you drink?

You probably know there are many health benefits to drinking water, but how much water should you drink?

Drinking water regularly throughout the day has immense benefits to us, both mentally and physically.

Here are a few of the benefits:

It relieves tiredness and makes the body function much more efficiently. When you’re dehydrated, you won’t be as alert or be able to concentrate as well.

It can actually make your muscles stronger as water carries oxygen to the cells of your body, including your muscles. Being well hydrated enables your muscles to work longer and harder before they feel tired.

It aids weight loss by filling you up and suppressing your appetite and water has zero calories!!

Water helps to transport waste products in and out of your cells, while your kidneys and liver flush those waste products and other toxins out of your body.

It helps with digestion of your food by boosting yourmetabolism and helping your body breakdown the food you eat.

It can help reduce headaches and migraines which are often caused by dehydration.

It can help improve your mood as even mild dehydration can have a negative impact on your mood.

It promotes healthy skin by replenishing skin tissue and increases elasticity in your skin which can help reduce the signs of ageing!

It can help reduce oral bacteria and stop your breath smelling by washing away food particles and bacteria in your mouth.

Most importantly it keeps you alive!!!

We’re not asking you to drink pints and pints of water in one go, just drink regularly throughout the day and we’re sure you’ll notice the difference. Try to aim for drinking about two litres of water per day.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and pour yourself a glass of water, not just today, but everyday.

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Craniosacral therapy
Much Hoole, Preston PR4, UK
Cranio Sacral Therapy