Angela Carmichael Smith
I am a Transformative Lifestyle Coach, Multi Martial artist, and Fitness/Self Defense Instructor Focousing on Mindfulness, Movement, and Resilance.
I Provide a fun, safety focused way to Self-Care, Self-defense and Self-Resilience ski…
About Angela Carmichael Smith I am a Transformative Lifestyle Coach, Multi Martial artist, and Fitness/Self Defense Instructor Focousing on Mindfulness, Movement, and Resilance. I Provide a fun, safety focused way to Self-Care, Self-defense and Self-Resilience skills that will leave you Physically Energized, Mentally Alert and Personal Motivated. I introduce you to your Wholisticly Self. Where others Tell you their WHAT, |
Expert in the fields:Exercise/Mindfulness/Life Coaching/Reiki
On Core Spirit since October 2020
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Wellness Coaching
Angela Carmichael Smith
Fabulous Fit Fierce Lifestyle Coaching