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Jenn Livingston

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Expert in the fields:Clean eating/Art Therapy/Awakening/Herbal therapy
On Core Spirit since April 2020
N State St, Lindon, UT, USA
Nutritional Therapy
Jenn Livingston
The 8 Best Supplements To Improve Your Health
You eat right and exercise, but you still feel like something is missing. And, with all the vitamins and powders on the market, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused. Luckily, there are several supplements that have been shown through research to incr…
Jenn Livingston
4 Steps to Level Up Your Fitness Journey
Every January, countless people make a commitment to get more exercise in the coming new year, and every year many of those people will fail. Maybe you’re one of those people who tries and fails every year. Maybe you’ve never tried because you know you’re…
Jenn Livingston
Look Better, Feel Better
It can be hard to feel your best when you don’t look your best but it can be just as hard to look your best when you don’t feel your best. Here are seven tips that should help you look and feel your best no matter what. Build Confidence If you’re tired …
Jenn Livingston
The Basics of Better Sleep
A good night’s sleep is the foundation of health and wellness. A significant proportion of life advice starts with either “get a good night’s sleep” or “go to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier.” That’s easy for non-night-owls to say. Not everyone can…
Jenn Livingston
6 Ways To Get the Most Out of Your Self-Care Night
As exciting as a night on the town can be, a drama-free evening at home is just as fun. In fact, spending a few precious hours pampering yourself can be an excellent way to alleviate stress, better preparing you for future engagements. Here are 6 ways you…
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New article 5 Ways to Boost Cognitive Performance already available! Read it now

New article The Basics of Better Sleep already available! Read it now

New article The 8 Best Supplements To Improve Your Health already available! Read it now

New article 4 Steps to Level Up Your Fitness Journey already available! Read it now

New article 6 Ways To Get the Most Out of Your Self-Care Night already available! Read it now