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Kiran Trace

Kiran Trace is the human development expert and hands-on spiritual mentor who helps professional leaders harness the power of Source so that they can use it to heal & liberate your life. She helps you to connect to true nature and to live with the agency …
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Expert in the fields:Career Coaching/Spiritual Healing/Awakening/Developmental Psychology
24 years of practice
On Core Spirit since April 2021
Felton, CA, USA
Kiran Trace
Meghan Roekle on Realizing Oneness & What Happens After a Spiritual Awakening
I want to introduce you to Meghan Roekle. I met Meg a number of years ago and had the immense privilege of witnessing her unfolding realization and awakening process. She, unlike myself, has been in a slow burn of realizing Oneness. Some backstory: Megh…
Kiran Trace
What is Spiritual Awakening? | The Ultimate Guide
Awakening. It’s a big term, one that encompasses a lot of spiritual arenas, and it’s mired in false definitions and proclamations. So I feel compelled to shine some light and clarity on what is spiritual awakening. This is a definitive guide to spiritual…
Spiritual Healing
Kiran Trace
12 Ways We Unconsciously Violate Children’s Boundaries
Boundary issues can be fixed once you become conscious of them, so I made an easy cheat sheet for you to minimize the chances of you being the reasons for your children to seek counseling in the future! Here are 12 basic places boundaries issues creep in …
Emotional Trauma Therapy
Kiran Trace
The Ultimate Guide: How Emotional Stress Causes Physical Illness
Emotional trauma and stress are directly connected to ongoing physical illness and physical symptoms that most of us negotiate. When we have an overwhelming fear episode, our body goes into a physical and emotional response we know as “fight or flight.” …
Spiritual Healing
Kiran Trace
How to Heal Emotionally | The 5 Key Stages
Emotional healing is an ever-deepening process. However, we can often fall for the illusion that tells us, “ _one day, I will be healed._” This little controlling voice starts driving you towards perfection, taking charge of your transformations. Undoubt…
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Kiran Trace3y ago

New article Meghan Roekle on Realizing Oneness & What Happens After a Spiritual Awakening already available! Read it now

Kiran Trace3y ago

New article What is Spiritual Awakening? | The Ultimate Guide already available! Read it now

Kiran Trace3y ago

New article 12 Ways We Unconsciously Violate Children’s Boundaries already available! Read it now

Kiran Trace3y ago

New article The Ultimate Guide: How Emotional Stress Causes Physical Illness already available! Read it now

Kiran Trace3y ago

New article How to Heal Emotionally | The 5 Key Stages already available! Read it now