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Citlalicue (Lali) Herrera

I'm Citlalicue (she/her), but everyone calls me Lali (like lollipop). I help devoted mystics heal unconscious patterns & traumas to live aligned with their authentic Self. I am a licensed psychotherapist (LMSW) and the founder of Our Cosmic Consciousness. Through my own journey I have come to know that finding your most authentic Self means rediscovering full hearted love for yourself.
Erickson Hypnosis
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Inner Child Healing
Spiritual Healing
About Citlalicue (Lali) Herrera

I'm Citlalicue (she/her), but everyone calls me Lali (like lollipop). I help devoted mystics heal unconscious patterns & traumas to live aligned with their authentic Self. I am a licensed psychotherapist (LMSW) and the founder of Our Cosmic Consciousness. Through my own journey I have come to know that finding your most authentic Self means rediscovering full hearted love for yourself.

3 years of practice
On Core Spirit since March 2021
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Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Citlalicue (Lali) Herrera
Customized Hypnotic Track

Tap into the unconscious barriers and limiting beliefs that we have about ourselves. Rewire your mind to create your dreams into reality, and connect with your authentic Self.

During hypnosis, our brains create NEW neural connections in the brain; giving us the power to unwire and relearn what we desire.
Hypnosis is completely safe and un-intrusive to the mind. You cannot be hypnotized if you do not wish.

Coaching session is included in the price. During the session you will meet with Citlalicue to go over exactly what you beliefs you wish to recreate. If you choose to integrate the work with psychedelics, harm reduction will be discussed during consultation and space to process any fears or anxiety.

Once your customized track is completed and sent to you within a week of the session. Each track is around 20-30 minutes long and is intended to be listened to for 21 days. From the date you receive the track you will have 30 days to reach out to Citlalicue on Voxter at any time you wish for any questions or support. It's like having a coach in your pocket!

Want to take hypnosis to the next level? weave it with a microdose of psychedelics. Like hypnosis, Psychedelics also create new connections in the brain. Image the combination of the two?!

This is not a substitution for mental health services.
Psychedelic substances are NOT included.

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Citlalicue (Lali) Herrera

Psychedelics are powerful and show us parts of ourselves that we have hidden away. 90% of who we are is hidden in the subconscious, a place where psychedelics shine a light. Hypnosis simply brings us to a trance state of mind like a deep meditation, where you rewire your brain to recreate your core beliefs. No one can be hypnotized without wanting to be hypnotized.

This program combines the magic of microdosing psychedelics and hypnosis as a powerful method of rewiring your beliefs that are barriers to living a life full of love and healthy relationships. Most importantly, there is an integration process that follows. Psychedelic integration is the act of incorporating new insights, perspectives, and challenging lessons from a psychedelic experience. In other words, the process of weaving the practical with mystical.

Hypnodelic is 100% tailored to your personal healing journey. A customized hypnotic track is recored just for you by Citlalicue. This track is intended to be listened to on your own time for 21 consecutive days. Each track is around 20-30 minutes long.

Hypnodelic is a 2-part guided program: preparation/intention & diving-in. And takes place over the course of 7 weeks.

Session 1: Intention Setting & Substance Discussion. (1 hour)
Session 2: Hypnosis Intake. (1 hour)
Session 3: Tools for Grounding, Preparation, Resources. (1 hour)
Session 4: Ritual- sit with Citlalicue virtually for your first micro-dose ingestion. (30minutes)
(3 weeks of listening to the hypnotic track on your own)

In addition to meeting 1:1 a total of 4 times over video call, you will have access to Citlalicue on Voxter throughout the 7 weeks to ask any questions or discuss what has come up for you. It's like having a coach in your pocket!!

Psychedelic substances NOT included.

NOT for anyone with a family history or diagnosis of psychosis or SMI.
NOT recommended for anyone who is currently on psychotropic medication.
This is not a substitute for mental health services.

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New session Customized Hypnotic Track already available! Book it now

New session Hypnodelic already available! Book it now

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Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Citlalicue (Lali) Herrera
Customized Hypnotic Track
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Citlalicue (Lali) Herrera

New session Psychedelic Integration Coaching already available! Book it now