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Deanne Bennett

At challenging times throughout my life, I learned my soul journey was about loving and honouring me first, listening to my inner guidance, living authentically and having boundaries. These gifts revealed my purpose: to inspire and empower people to activate their inner healer, expanding their awareness to honour and unconditionally love and accept themselves.
Theta Healing
Chakra Balancing
Crystal healing
Guided Meditation
About Deanne Bennett

At challenging times throughout my life, I learned my soul journey was about loving and honouring me first, listening to my inner guidance, living authentically and having boundaries. These gifts revealed my purpose: to inspire and empower people to activate their inner healer, expanding their awareness to honour and unconditionally love and accept themselves.

25 years of practice
On Core Spirit since August 2021
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Deanne Bennett
My Reiki Journey

It has been 24 years since I first learned Reiki and began experiencing its miraculous power. Since that time, many changes have taken place in my life that were brought about by my association with this wonderful energy. In fact, in looking back to that time I can clearly see the role it played in placing me firmly on my spiritual path and leading me on a journey into greater levels of peace happiness and fulfilment. Reiki has guided me in so many ways progressively strengthening my connection to the spiritual world as well as developing my ability as a healer and own transformation.

Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. Reiki has brought my spiritual journey into focus and increased the natural flow of events and patterns of manifestation in my life. Throughout my life’s journey, Reiki has given me the gift to help me thrive, strength and insight into just how necessary it is to speak my mind, learning to know myself in the most intimate ways, learning to trust who I am really am and acting with self-love, boundaries and integrity in relationships.

With every Reiki Healing and Attunement, I feel with every cell of me that Reiki is real and I have truly discovered something very special. I also believe that I have received each Reiki Attunement at divine timing on my path. Each attunement has been beautiful and huge (sacred and enlightening) with more extensive spiritual growth and unlocking another level of consciousness and energy healing gifts. Each time I have aligned to a higher perspective and feel more activated and opened to stronger Ki light with a deep connection to Unconditional Love and Consciousness. Each Attunement has been so profound reaching my innermost core from feeling and seeing energy opening my crown and chakras, meeting my Reiki and Spirit Guides and Archangels, past lives in Atlantis, receiving clear guidance and wisdom, awakening Shamanic healing, blossoming angel wings and the ascension of loved ones!

Reiki has been a blessing for my spiritual development, supporting to discover who I am and how I relate to the universe and how the universe relates to me. It has “switched on” my intuitive and energetic healing, guiding myself to uncover and release my underlying patterns and "old stories" awakening my inner power. With Reiki, I have learned my soul journey is about loving and honouring me first, listening to my inner guidance, living authentically and having boundaries…gifts I now pass onto my healing clients.

We have our time here on earth each lifetime to evolve. Reiki has certainly pushed me to find my great bright light, my purpose. I am empowered to use Reiki, combined with all my healing modalities to assist others in empowering themselves. The healing work I do extends far beyond me, surpassing my benefit alone. I keep this front and centre, as I live my purpose as a healer. I am honoured and grateful to hold space for all my beautiful healing clients in their most transformative or vulnerable time. Supporting my clients healing journeys, empowers my soul and fills my heart. I am constantly in awe of their spiritual awakening and expansion of self-love and acceptance.

What is my legacy I want to leave for my life or the world? As a Reiki Master Teacher, I have chosen to accept a greater level of responsibility, bringing awareness to how much we win when we are in it for the best and highest good of all. I unconditionally love what I do. And as life is a journey, so is Reiki. You have called me and I have called you. I thank you for calling me to be a Reiki Master Teacher, so we can amplify our Reiki energy and healing in the world.

For those of you who are just starting out on your healing or spiritual pathway or are new to Reiki, it is truly a precious gift of love, healing and divine light. Reiki energy opens up your healing journey, and expands love and happiness in your life as you connect with ‘Higher Consciousness’ energies. Reiki is a practice which helps to uplift your energetic vibration and by doing so, you are helping to bring more health, wellbeing and energetic balance into your life. You will learn more about universal energy and your energy. Source Energy is abundant. Reiki is an awakening to the Universal Life Force Energy that is all around us and within us. Being attuned to Reiki is for life and it starts at Level 1.

I am ever so grateful for the gift of Reiki.

Deanne Bennett
Awaken your Divine Feminine...here's how

Several years ago, I began practicing diligent self-love and care and it took me on a journey back home to myself.

The most beautiful, transformative aspect about self-care: it's a process of reconnecting with that which you are and from where you came. It's so much deeper than simply taking care of yourself.

Because of this, you're lead down a path of new discoveries and truths that have always existed but that you weren't aware of…feminine energy and spirituality are two of these things.

Masculine energy is taking action, being logical and achieving to name a few. We also need to receive, be in touch with our intuition, and be still, otherwise we burn out and don't get to experience all that life has to offer.

Divine Feminine energy is a state of awareness connected to the feminine life force, your heart and soul wisdom, to living your most abundant life. It can be such a powerful experience to come back into your feminine energy and magic. I've come to learn that it's the feminine energy within us all that truly connects us to the Divine. It's the still, quiet energy of the feminine that connects us to ourselves and the spiritual realms.

The question I get asked the most in energy healings, Reiki Training and Circles is… how do I awaken my feminine energy? Here’s how:


Find time to slow down and connect with yourself. Creating regular times of stillness, quiet, meditation and contemplation are essential elements of activating divine feminine energy. It is challenging to hear and feel your inner voice if you never create spaces of stillness or silence. There is no right or wrong way to practice. Regular practice is the key; it is the process and regularity that creates the strengthening within you, over time.

To activate the sacred feminine path, you will need regular sanctuary, so that you can begin to open your awareness to the ways in which your Divine Feminine speaks to you. Stillness is not always a totally still body. It can be meditation, a gentle walk in nature, drinking your coffee or tea in silence whenever you get the chance, sitting on your patio in the sun, bare feet on the ground or beach, yoga, reading, lying down listening to inspirational music or it can be a healing session. Just be still. Nothing has to ‘happen’ during these periods of silent connection.

Your inner voice is linked to your sacred feminine path to the universe. Just be with whatever thoughts and feelings arise and you will discover a deep inner well of abundant resources inside your stillness. Stillness is a vital pathway to honouring and reuniting with your Feminine soul.


It's elusive and you can't quite put your finger on it, though the more you awaken it, the louder it becomes in only the way intuition can. Everyone has it, but it's presence in women is so strong it's called our sixth sense (because it transcends the physical or mental planes).

It will give you the answer, but not the why. This is why so many women feel like they're not intuitive because they think intuition would include the answer along with the feeling, but that's not how it works. Intuition is the gift of your feminine soul. Intuition is ‘all-knowing for your best and highest good’.

To really access your intuitive sense, you must be in strong connection with your ‘feeling body’, i.e., where you hold emotion in your body. A key aspect to realising your intuitive gifts is reawakening self-trust. You don't access intuition with reason and logic (the mind), it's something that can only be felt. This is a feminine energy power.

We all receive intuitive guidance in different ways. There are many ways that you can receive guidance from your Sacred Feminine channels. They can be “seeing”, “knowing”, “feeling”, all of which is intuitive guidance from your heart and are for the highest good and growth of your path, sometimes taking you out of your comfort zone and asking you to be firm and courageous, though never harmful to another person or living thing.

When you receive intuitive hunches, they may be accompanied by certain sensations. You may have a tingling or ‘goose bumps’ (my sign!), or your heart may beat faster. You may feel light-headed or have a strong energy flowing through your body, or a feeling of heightened energy, or an ‘other-worldly’ awareness that momentarily surrounds you.

Or like me, you may have a repeated urge or feeling, a deep inner knowing that will not leave you. Often, these feelings are accompanied by divine signs and synchronicity sent to validate your intuitive guidance.

Remember that intuitive impulses carry strong sacred feminine directions and information, and yet the messages (especially any calls to action) are always simple and clear. They are always loving and ultimately for your higher healing purpose. Trusting, and acting upon your intuitive impulses, are vital keys in unlocking the deep power of your spiritual feminine intuition. Some tools to help strengthen your intuition are oracle cards, pendulums, and journaling (one of my favourites).


To unlock divine feminine energies, you need to access, fully feel, and release your feelings without judgement, so the true essence of your Feminine Energy can begin to flow again. Emotions are a source of Feminine Wisdom. By giving belief to your emotions, and honouring them in yourself and others, you are tapping into your divine spiritual feminine energy. Stagnant feelings become held not only in the physical body, they are also locked in the ‘spiritual body’. This blockage can restrict the flow of divine feminine energy.

A disconnection from divine feminine spirit usually harbours a disconnection to emotions. Safe spaces are vital for the process of truly feeling your feelings and releasing deeply held emotions. You may find this safe space with close friends, a counsellor, a therapist, a spiritual mentor, or a supportive healing circle. Give yourself a ‘container’ that is based on total trust and clear boundaries.


When you create simple ritual and ceremony – just as easy as lighting a candle for yourself, your divine feminine essence awakens. Your feminine soul energy naturally responds to beautiful, devotional spaces that have been created with love and intention.

Sacred spaces can be as simple as a few beautiful and meaningful items: a fragrant candle, crystals, elements of nature, cloths, incense, images or statues of divine beings, that carry meaning for you. Ensure that when you create your space, only use it for connecting with the divine as your sacred space will become infused with feminine energy and will have a powerful effect on your consciousness, if used with regularity.

Reconnecting with the Moon is a powerful ritual to introduce into your self-care routine. Masculinity is represented by the Sun and femininity by the moon so it only makes sense that the moon will guide you back to yourself. In addition to connecting with your own cycle, reconnecting with the moon is very similar and it's a powerful monthly visual that reminds us to honour all the cycles of manifestation. The New Moon is the time when you plant a new seed or intention. The Full Moon is a time to release, forgive and feel gratitude.

It's such a beautiful, powerful ritual to connect with and awaken your divine feminine. Masculinity is represented by the Sun and femininity by the moon so it only makes sense that the moon will guide you back to yourself. I believe all women feel a special connection with the moon. It cycles just like we do. Its soft while being extremely powerful, affecting our tides and all of nature. One of the most transformative aspects of my self-love routine was when I began adding in my New Moon and Full Moon self-care rituals. Those are nights that I connect with my higher self and receive guidance and inspiration. It's also a perfect way to schedule a self-care ritual a month.


As women, we can become disconnected from certain parts of our bodies. it's a very powerful thing to begin to heal the relationship you have to certain parts of your body that you have disconnected from. Your body is your most accurate barometer for sacred feminine truth and wisdom. Your body also gives you signals when something is ‘off’ in your life and out of alignment with your soul path and energy. This happens as a way for your body to alert you and let you know that you need to heal certain beliefs you have about yourself and past experiences that are still hurting you.

To reawaken to your true divine feminine consciousness, pay attention to your body’s messages. Being in touch with, and healing past hurts within your body is a crucial step towards awakening your inner power. Many Souls who are called to awaken Divine energies hold emotional residues of past life abuse and trauma in their bodies as well as experiences of physical, sexual and emotional abuse within this present lifetime. As the vibration of the Divine stirs within the energy bodies, the physical body will desire to shake off and release old trauma held in the tissues and cells. This is vital practice as Divine Feminine consciousness begins moving through the entire being.

This kind of energetic clearing can be assisted with body-healing therapies such as holistic massage, connected breath work, meditation, yoga and many other forms of bodywork that tap into your deep-held emotions. Connecting with your body regularly strengthens your body wisdom to being present, loving, accepting and compassionate with your body, opening your divine feminine energies, helping you to come into greater connection with your inner voice, enhance the flow of self-acceptance as well as nourish your physical and spiritual bodies.

I've been on my path of awakening, healing and transformation for over 25 years. Honouring my divine feminine intuition has progressively strengthened my connection to the spiritual world as well as developed my ability as a healer and shown me what my life purpose is.

To deepen your connection to your Divine Feminine, it takes commitment, soul work, surrender, trust... Align with your full potential, your heart energy, your higher guidance and the woman you truly desire to be!


Deanne Bennett
If you can feel it, you can heal it

Often people get sick because they stress, push and abuse themselves. Most people are not taught how to love themselves and are taught to listen, care for and honour others first. Many people spend their time trying to please others and eventually hurt themselves, which causes resentment, stress, and sickness.

Often, until you really get angry, discover the cause of your sickness and let it go, you cannot heal. Along my journey, I have self-healed chronic illness and ailments that manifested following emotional and mental blockages, cycles of self-doubt and repeated patterns. I have come to understand connection with your body and its inner wisdom to heal itself supported by Reiki and the power of intention, promotes physical, mental and emotional healing at the deepest level. I discovered that I had the power to tune into my own body and heal myself from chronic and adrenal fatigue, migraines and digestive problems. How liberating it is to realise that your anger can be a catalyst for change, a teacher that inspires you to act rather than an emotion, which is an inconvenience.

I believe that pain is a messenger to show you what is not working in your body. It is a way to get your attention. When you really understand and discover what your pain is about you can heal. From my experience, the first step towards a healing journey is a clear decision that you are ready to heal. This means that you are willing to examine what has not worked in your life to begin your transformation.

Healing requires honesty and acknowledgment.
If your job, relationships, decisions, etc, do not work, it means that you need to be true to yourself and take significant steps towards making changes. When I practice my energy healing, I am awakening my clients to tune in to their bodies and directly find out the answers to their physical and emotional challenges. I believe that your body is incredibly wise and that you can use your innate healing intelligence to heal yourself and that everyone holds the key to their own optimum well-being.

Below are some steps that can help you to connect and listen to your body. If you can feel it, you can heal it.

​Take some slow deep breaths and become conscious of what you are feeling in your body. Then place your hands on an area where you experience the most pain, tension or physical discomfort.

Ask your body: "If there was a thought or a belief stored here, what would it be?" Become aware of how you bought into those beliefs and if they are serving you or if you are ready to let them go.

Ask your body: "Are there any emotions that are stored in this part of my body? Are these feelings serving me or can I let them go?" Give yourself permission to let those feelings go.

Ask your body: "Are there any memories that are stored in this part of my body?" Become aware of any experiences that come to mind. Are you holding on to painful experiences that you need to let go of and forgive? Give yourself permission to forgive and move forward.

Visualise a green ray of light cleansing and regenerating your body.

Thank your body and be kind and gentle with yourself.

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