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Jena Hinds

Hello, thank-you for visiting my bio. My name is Jena and I am a Reiki Master and trainer, Emotion Code Practioner, hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, life coach, NLP practioner, personal trainer, and Theta healer. I have been doing energy healing for over 7 years now. A journey that has been amazing. I am looking forward to helping you ❤️
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
About Jena Hinds

Hello, thank-you for visiting my bio. My name is Jena and I am a Reiki Master and trainer, Emotion Code Practioner, hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, life coach, NLP practioner, personal trainer, and Theta healer. I have been doing energy healing for over 7 years now. A journey that has been amazing. I am looking forward to helping you ❤️

10 years of practice
On Core Spirit since March 2021
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Theta Healing
Jena Hinds
Theta Healing

This is a 1-hour theta healing session. Includes client consultation before and after a session.

During theta healing the prationer and the client is in a meditative state. The practioner will ask the client a variety of questions to help get to the underlying issues that the subconsius mind needs to heal.

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Jena Hinds
Hypno-Reiki Session

This is a one hour session with a combination of hypnosis and reiki. A great way to handle stress and anxiety.

What does it entail?

This is a combination of two amazing healing modalities, which includes Reiki and Hypnosis. Reiki is a way to use the universal life force to help balance your body, mind and soul. It is a way to allow energy to move through your body. As the client is in a calm state, they may feel areas of tingling, heat or maybe some cold areas. Some people may have visualizations that may occur during the session or see colors or memories.

Hypnosis a guided relaxation technique that focuses on the subconcious mind and what is blocking a person or being ignored. A client will feel really relaxed as the hypno-therapist is working through the underlying issues in the subconcious mind.

The combination together is a powerful and relaxing way to help if you are feeling:
-have anxiety disorders
-Not achieveing your highest potential in life
-Feeling trapped in your situation or your mind

Can help assist:
-living your fullest life and potential
-not worrying about things
-not having phobias
-feeling amazing and clear
-better sleep

Emotional Stress Release
Jena Hinds
30 minute Emotion Code

This is a 30 minute emotion code session.

Emotion Code release is a way to clear an emotion that may be causing a pain or emtotion in your body. A session would start with a questionniare of what is going on in a clients life or what hurts on the client. The practioner would then use a releasing techniuque to help clear that emotion and to help alleviate that pain or emotion.

Jena Hinds
1 hour Reiki

This is a 1- hour virtual Reiki session. This also includes any intuitive messages that may come through during the session.

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New session Theta Healing already available! corespirit.com/services/theta-healing-hfvkjf

New session Hypno-Reiki Session already available! corespirit.com/services/hypno-reiki-session-s…

New session 30 minute Emotion Code already available! corespirit.com/services/30-minute-emotion-cod…

Jena Hinds
1 hour Reiki
Theta Healing
Jena Hinds
Theta Healing
Emotional Stress Release
Jena Hinds
30 minute Emotion Code

New session 1 hour Reiki already available! corespirit.com/services/1-hour-reiki-8dgvdf

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Jena Hinds
Hypno-Reiki Session