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Anita Chakraburtty

Anita is a Member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI). She was featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine Dec 2020 in an article on people seeking Astrologers for guidance due to job insecurity/redundancy. She has also appeared on Wandsworth & Riverside Radio. Anita trained with a Cherokee Chief called Medicine Crow to learn Native American Shamanic Healing.
Western Astrology
Natal Astrology
Shamanic Healing
Spiritual Healing
About Anita Chakraburtty

Anita is a Member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI).
She was featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine Dec 2020 in an article on people seeking Astrologers for guidance due to job insecurity/redundancy. She has also appeared on Wandsworth & Riverside Radio.

Anita trained with a Cherokee Chief called Medicine Crow to learn Native American Shamanic Healing.

On Core Spirit since January 2021
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Anita Chakraburtty
The Benefits of an Astrology Reading

The map of the sky, directly above you at your time of birth, is similar to your DNA or finger-print. It is unique to you. The arrangement of the 4 nucleotides that make up DNA will predict your hair colour, height, skin colour and likelihood of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis etc.

In the same way, the arrangement of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time and location of your birth will predict your career, your romantic life, your family life, your religious beliefs, your academic prowess etc

Medieval Astrology first appeared in approximately 900 C.E and emanated from the Arab world, possibly Persia. This type of Astrology came to Europe during the Crusades and was systemised by the Astrologer Ibn Ezra (12th century), Guido Bonatti (13th Century) and many others.

Medieval Astrology places you in the centre of your Universe, holding YOU accountable for the positive and negative outcomes in your life. The analysis is complex, intricate but very black and white. After a one hour session you will know EXACTLY what you need to do to get your life back on track, to manifest the money, relationship, good health and career that you desire.

You will understand yourself intricately after this session. After this stark, black and white analysis of your life to date, you can start to make monumental changes.

By providing Anita with your date, time and location of birth, Anita will be able to analyse a detailed map of the heavens. This map will assist Anita in describing many areas of your life including:

Your lovers

Your career

Your parents

Your siblings

Your attitude to money

Your health

Your hidden talents

Once you understand how you sabotage your financial dreams, your romantic relationships and your health and spiritual goals then you will acquire the tools to shift your life dramatically!

(Attached image by Greg Rakozy via Unsplash)

Anita Chakraburtty
The Benefits of a Shamanic Healing

A Shamanic healing involves you being taken on a Shamanic ‘journey’ into multidimensional realities. Whilst in this relaxed ‘trance-like’ state, you have the ability to bypass your ‘logical mid’ and tap into hidden facets of your Psyche. Aspects of yourself that you know exists, but have been unable to ‘tap into’. Whilst here you can resolve deep seated issues/sabotaging behaviours that have been blocking you, so that when you ‘awaken’ you will have clarity and make better choices.

In these different dimensions of reality, you are able to resolve a wide variety of deep seated concerns. Physical ones that the Medical Industry may have struggled to resolve such as chronic muscular-skeletal pain, auto-immune conditions or infertility.

Emotional ones such as your struggles with attracting abundance, romantic relationships, addictions or anxiety/depression. Shamanic Healing can help with Spiritual questions, such as your desire to meet your Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels, or your desire to cut etheric chords with people, or heal familial ancestral issues.

Whilst the Shamanic journey is taking place, drums, rattles, Tibetan singing bowls, chimes and crystals are used to shift your vibration from its current frequency to a higher frequency. Sound healing benefits your chakras and energy bodies (i.e. causal, subtle & etheric bodies) in the same way as ‘engine tuning’ improves the performance of a car.

Clients have experienced many effects during a Shamanic Healing. Some feel currents of energy, some feel the weight and temperature of the crystals on their body change during a session. One client received a scorch mark from a crystal on her blouse around her ‘heart chakra’, validation that this area of her Psyche was being treated.

Others have felt their hand being held (not by me!) during the session, or the experience of hovering in the air. Some have seen places, relatives, friends or pets from their past during their Shamanic Journey.

After a session, some clients may sleep 10-12 hrs, others may be hyperactive and begin to work on goals that that had been abandoned! Constipated clients find they have amazing bowel movements, meek clients become assertive with those who took advantage of them, aloof clients re-connect with friends/relatives from their past.

Everyone’s experience is unique, and everyone’s experience is exactly what is required by their Soul/Spirit to benefit them at that point in time.

(Attached image by Robert Lukeman via Unsplash)

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