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Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals

Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals is an online store specializing in safe and holistic health supplements for people around the world. Our passion is educating the people on affordable herbal medicine that have been used for centuries and millennia!
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Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals is an online store specializing in safe and holistic health supplements for people around the world. Our passion is educating the people on affordable herbal medicine that have been used for centuries and millennia!

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Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals
3 Benefits of ASTRAGALUS ROOT: Tonic Herb to Prevent Common Cold, Flu, Asthma, and MORE!

People have known the medicinal benefits of astragalus root for thousands of years.

It is known in traditional Korean medicine as 황기, which is translated as “Yellow astragalus root.” The herb energetically interacts with the lung and spleen. It has a sweet flavor and its thermal property is slightly warm. Thankfully, it has very low toxicity.

This leads to the next question: What’s the therapeutic effect of this herb in East Asian medicine’s perspective?

1. Astragalus root tonifies Qi

Qi (기) is a term for universal force that energizes all conscious beings. Particularly, proper flow and production of blood require an adequate supply of Qi. We discussed that the herb interacts with the spleen, correct? Well, astragalus root tonifies the spleen’s function, which is transformation and transportation of Qi (It carries blood, body fluids, and nutrients) throughout the body.

In addition, Spleen Qi controls the flow of blood and contains it in the vessels.

Deficiency of spleen Qi may cause easy bleeding/bruising. Because Qi and blood travel together in the vessels, when there is a sudden loss of blood, Qi collapses. Astragalus root would be an excellent choice for this situation. Its strong Qi-tonifying effect will generate blood and increase blood flow to the extremities. Thus, astragalus root promotes normal circulation of Qi to relieve skin and muscle numbness and pain. Also, the herb promotes the discharge of pus and encourage healing through generation of new flesh!

Here’s another possible symptom with spleen Qi deficiency: In this case, Qi is not spread throughout the body and most of this can be trapped in the muscle layers for a prolonged period of time. This can lead to irritability with low-grade fever or unremitting high fever with fatigue, spontaneous sweating, and frequently catching cold. Astragalus root treats this “deficiency heat” condition even though it is warm in nature.

2. Astragalus root regulates water circulation and reduces edema due to Qi deficiency

Do you recall that the Spleen Qi deficiency disables the spleen’s transportation function? This results in retention of water in the body, causing edema.

Astragalus root tonifies Qi, and in turn promotes normal circulation of water.

Thus, astragalus root is able to treat conditions such as facial edema, superficial edema, sensations of heaviness in the body, spontaneous sweating and intolerance of wind. When used individually, the diuretic effect of astragalus root is very mild and should be combined with diuretic herbs for stronger therapeutic results. However, this is the herb of choice when the patient presents deficiency along with water retention signs and symptoms. When using astragalus root as a diuretic only, the recommended dosage is low (approximately 9 grams).

3. Astragalus root protects our immune system

At the exterior of our body, there is a specialized form of Qi known as “protective _Qi_” (위기) that defends the body from the invasion of exterior pathogenic factors that cause common colds, influenza, and other infections. Protective Qi does its job by regulating skin pores.

At this point you may be wondering, ‘How does astragalus root interact with the lungs?’ According to the traditional medicine theory, lungs are the main organs responsible for generating fresh Protective Qi. Astragalus root’s energetics enter the lungs and strengthen the function of Protective Qi!

Deficiency of the exterior leads to leakage of body fluids, resulting in spontaneous perspiration. This often leads to a compromised immune system and frequent contraction of exterior pathogenic infections. Astragalus root tonifies the Protective Qi and prevents spontaneous sweating.

Clinically, this herb has shown to be effective in prevention of common colds and influenza, asthma, cough, upper respiratory/pulmonary tract infection, as well as for patients undergoing post-stroke treatments and chemotherapy.


• Astragalus root is for preventing the invasion of pathogens from the exterior. Once the signs/symptoms of the pathogen invasion occur, the use of astragalus root is contraindicated

• Excess of Qi, which can happen while experiencing anger due to Liver Qi stagnation. Remember that astragalus root is a tonic herb and is used for weakness, or deficiency, of Qi!

• Internal heat or excess fire conditions

• Sores and lesions caused by heat in the blood

• Conditions with stagnation

• Pregnant women in the third trimester should use astragalus root carefully. Its diuretic effect and long-term use may decrease the quantity of amniotic fluid


Astragalus root is a wonderful tonic herb that is used in various herbal decoctions and powders to prevent seasonal cold, flu, and other respiratory conditions. I highly recommend that you consult with a licensed oriental medicine practitioner if you think this herb fits your needs.

Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals (PPNutra)

PPNutra is an online store specializing in safe and holistic health supplements for people around the world. Our team of pharmacist, acupuncturist, and herbalist is passionate about educating the people on holistic and preventive medicine and nutritional products to fit their personal needs.

Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals
3 Ways Cinnamon (Cassia) Bark Warms Our Body

This popular condiment/spice has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years.

Cassia bark, or 육계 (内桂), has pungent and sweet flavors and hot thermoenergetics.

This article explains the benefits of the bark from tree trunk, but cinnamon (cassia) branch tips are also used medicinally.

The main difference is that the bark is descending in nature to warm kidneys while the branch tips are ascending to disperse wind-cold.

Cinnamon bark interacts with the kidneys to warm the lower body

To better understand how cinnamon bark benefits our kidneys, it is important to understand how Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) views the organ.

First, kidneys store Essence(정 精), which is a prenatal, hereditary components from parents (union of Yin-Yang). It is the material basis for kidney’s Yin (substance) and Yang (energy).

Now, the Essence ITSELF can be divided into yin and yang aspects ( Did you know Yin and Yang can divide infinitely?).

The Yin of Essence is known as the Heavenly Measurements (천계 天癸) which have a 7-year cycle for women and 8-year cycle for men. Heavenly Measurements are the substances that control sex, birth, growth, puberty, menstruation, reproduction, menopause, aging, and death!

The Yang of Essence is known as Life Gate Fire (명문화 命門火). This fire is the root of the Origin Qi (원기 元氣), which is derived from the Essence.

Life Gate Fire is a source of warmth for all organs and viscera. Compare this to kidney Yang, which provides heat to spleen and intestines for transforming fluids.

Fun fact: Life Gate is located on the midline of the lower back, in the depression below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra! In acupuncture, this is part of the Governing (독 督) vessel whose Qi flows along the spine.

In TEAM, cinnamon bark is used to treat disorders characterized by kidney Yang deficiency and Life Gate Fire (LGF) deficiency. The common symptoms are weak, sore, and cold back and knees, impotence, lack of libido, and frequent urination.

Because it is descending in nature, cinnamon bark can lead LGF back to its source, which makes it one of the best herbs to warm the lower body.

Cinnamon bark interacts with the spleen to warm, dispel cold, and relieve pain in the trunk

Cinnamon bark also warms the trunk and treats digestive disorders that are cold in nature. With its analgesic and warming effect, cinnamon bark also treats hernial pain caused by cold.

The essential oils of the bark have a mild stimulating effect to promote digestion, dispel gas, and relieve spasmodic pain in the stomach and intestines. However, it is rarely decocted due to loss of volatile oils.

Cinnamon bark interacts with the heart to open vessels and circulate blood

When cold invades the blood, the vessels constrict. This results in blood stagnation (i.e. irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum pain). Cinnamon bark infuses warmth to the peripheral vessels to move Qi and circulate blood by dilating them.

It also treats Yin sores, which are often result of Yang deficiency that has caused stagnation of phlegm. Over a long period of time, this stagnation becomes toxic and obstructs the vessels, tendons, and joints. Cinnamon bark enters both the Qi and blood levels to break open the stagnation and promote the generation of flesh for enhanced recovery.


Cinnamon bark is thermoenergetically hot, which is considered to be pure Yang energy. When used improperly for patients affected by pathogenic/excess heat, or prescribed in excess amounts, it can induce rising of fire, resulting in a flushed face, red eyes, dry mouth and tongue, and even bleeding. Cinnamon bark is used with caution during pregnancy.


Cassia bark is an extremely warm herb that can be beneficial for cold conditions. We highly recommend that you consult with a licensed oriental medicine practitioner if you think this herb fits your needs.

Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals (PPNutra)

PPNutra is an online store specializing in safe and holistic health supplements for people around the world. Our team of pharmacist, acupuncturist, and herbalist is passionate about educating the people on holistic and preventive medicine and nutritional products to fit their personal needs.

Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals
Benefits of Licorice Root: The Sweet Harmonizer that Tonifies and Moistens

Licorice root literally means “sweet herb” in Korean (감초) and Chinese (甘草). Similarly, the origin of the word “licorice” comes from Greek physician Dioscorides, who named it γλυκόριζα (sweet root).

Licorice root has a sweet flavor and a neutral thermal property. In Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM), sweet herbs tonify, harmonize and moisten. Honey-frying the herb makes it sweeter and warmer to potentiate its effect of tonifying and moistening.

The herb energetically interacts with the spleen, stomach, lungs and heart. Here is how it benefits each organ:

Licorice root interacts with the spleen and stomach to tonify Qi

In TEAM, spleen’s function is transformation and transportation of Qi and fluids generated from the food that is being digested. Stomach acts as the “grain storage” that does the physical work of “ripening,” or digesting the food.

Spleen and stomach are one of the six organ pairs. Five of these organ pairs are each assigned to an element, and Earth belongs to spleen and stomach. As earth’s purpose is to nourish and fertilize all living beings, spleen and stomach mirror the elemental properties of earth to regulate digestion and delivery of newly formed nutrients, blood, and Qi throughout our cells.

Some of the signs of spleen and stomach deficiencies are shortness of breath, fatigue, sallow (yellow) facial appearance, decreased food intake, and loose stools/diarrhea.

In TEAM, the spleen dominates muscles, so those with spleen deficiency often experience muscle cramps and pain, especially in epigastric and abdominal tissues. Through its tonifying and replenishing properties, licorice root relieves pain and cramps of smooth or skeletal muscles.

Licorice root enters the heart to tonify Qi and blood

Licorice root helps with palpitations, arrythmia, and intermittent pulse. These conditions usually happen as a result of Qi and blood deficiencies of the heart.

Could it be that the person’s spleen function is also impaired, which is causing the deficiencies in the heart? That is also a possibility, as long as he/she is showing the signs of the deficient spleen.

Licorice root enters the lungs to moisten

Licorice root interacts with the lungs by moistening, nourishing Qi, dispelling phlegm, and stopping cough. Since it has a neutral thermal property, it mildly treats cough and wheezing of various causes, including cold or heat, deficiency or excess, and with or without phlegm. Particularly, it is quite effective for chronic cough due to lung deficiency.

Lungs govern the skin, and the fresh/unprocessed licorice root is used to clear heat and eliminate toxins on the skin in a form of sores, ulcers, erysipelas, lesions, and burns. It also relieves sore, swollen, and painful throat. The licorice root can be used topically or internally.

Because of its mild nature, licorice root should be combined with other herbs to treat more severe conditions.

HERB-DRUG interaction

Licroice root speeds up the metabolism of drugs such as chloral hydrate, urethane, cocaine, picrotoxin, caffeine, pilocarpine, nicotine, and barbiturates, and treats overdose of these agents.


• Sweet herbs like licorice root can create dampness in the body, so it’s contraindicated in cases of nausea, vomiting, chest and abdominal fullness and distention due to dampness accumulation.

• Large/chronic usage of licorice root is contraindicated in cases of edema, kidney disorders, hypokalemia, hypertension, and congestive heart failure.


Licorice root is a harmonizing herb that is used in decoction, powder, pills, syrup, and even as a topical. We highly recommend that you consult with a licensed oriental medicine practitioner if you think this herb fits your needs.

Personalized Preventive Nutraceuticals (PPNutra)

PPNutra is an online store specializing in safe and holistic health supplements for people around the world. Our team of pharmacist, acupuncturist, and herbalist is passionate about educating the people on holistic and preventive medicine and nutritional products to fit their personal needs.

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New article 3 Benefits of ASTRAGALUS ROOT: Tonic Herb to Prevent Common Cold, Flu, Asthma, and MORE! already available! Read it now

New article 3 Ways Cinnamon (Cassia) Bark Warms Our Body already available! Read it now

New article Benefits of Licorice Root: The Sweet Harmonizer that Tonifies and Moistens already available! Read it now