Lightworker Laura

I am a spiritual coach, NLP practitioner, psychic medium, LCF Life coach, Earth angel hybrid. I am a highly sensitive person and an empath myself and I coach and guide other highly sensitive people and empaths to thrive in their lives. I used to be depres…
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Expert in the fields:Career Coaching/Tarot Reading/Spiritual Healing/NLP
9 years of practice
On Core Spirit since July 2021
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
EFT tapping session for empaths and HSP's for 90 minutes
Are you stressed out, dear sensitive person? This session is for empaths and highly sensitive people to heal and deal with stressful events and situations in their lives. Your manifestation skills are improved at the same time and you start to attract mor…
Spiritual Healing
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
Angel healing session for empaths and HSP's for 45 minutes
This is an angel healing session with healing energy (reiki) from the angels sent out to you. We work with Archangel Raphael and other angels and heal and cleanse your chakras and your energies. We can work on parts of your body which need healing . There…
Tarot Reading
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
Reading for 30 minutes for empaths and HSP's
Book a psychic reading with me about the topic of your choice. This is for an empath or a highly sensitive person who needs help with their life. The topics are love life, health, finances and career, general situations or a mediumship reading. I gently g…
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
NLP hypnosis session for empaths and HSP's for 60 minutes
This session helps you, dear sensitive person, to heal your life from your problems and toxic energies. We will chat a bit first about your life and the difficult situations you are going through and after that, we will do a hypnosis session. You will rec…
Career Coaching
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
Coaching session 60 minutes for empaths and HSP's
My coaching sessions are for empaths and highly sensitive people who have been through emotional abuse in their lives. The topics are; healing from narcissistic abuse, healing your inner child, healing your relationships and attracting better ones, your l…
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New session Coaching session 60 minutes for empaths and HSP's already available! Book it now

New session NLP hypnosis session for empaths and HSP's for 60 minutes already available! Book it now

New session EFT tapping session for empaths and HSP's for 90 minutes already available! Book it now

Spiritual Healing
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
Angel healing session for empaths and HSP's for 45 minutes
Career Coaching
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
Coaching session 60 minutes for empaths and HSP's
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
EFT tapping session for empaths and HSP's for 90 minutes

New session Angel healing session for empaths and HSP's for 45 minutes already available! Book it now

New session Reading for 30 minutes for empaths and HSP's already available! Book it now

Tarot Reading
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
Reading for 30 minutes for empaths and HSP's
Lightworker Laura
Mar 17, 2025, 11:00
NLP hypnosis session for empaths and HSP's for 60 minutes