Dr. Maria Danilychev, MD
About Dr. Maria Danilychev, MD Dr. Maria Danilychev, MD is a board-certified medical doctor (internist, geriatrician, hospice and palliative medicine physician) and a Jikiden Reiki practitioner and teacher (Shihan) certified by the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Japan. Dr. Danilychev has a traditional Japanese Reiki practice in San Diego, California, and offers in-person and virtual Reiki sessions as well as Reiki training. Dr. Danilychev, MD is also the founder of a Reiki program at the Japanese Friendship Garden in San Diego. Offering compassion and expertise in the fields of medicine and Reiki, doctor Danilychev helps you feel your best as she bridges the divide between Eastern and Western medicine helping you feel your best. |
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