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Kate McCallum

Hi - I’m Kate! I’m a Reiki Practitioner and I’m here to help women suffering from high-stress and burnout rediscover joy and implement strategies to overcome and **BEAT** the cycle of stress. *I help women feel empowered* and release limiting beliefs, and it’s what I thrive at. After living through burn out and limiting beliefs myself, I create a nurturing and safe space for every woman I meet. Women specifically come to me when looking to cut ties from the past, find forgiveness and reduce the stress i…
Emotional Stress Release
Spiritual Healing
Crystal healing
Guided Meditation
About Kate McCallum

Hi - I’m Kate! I’m a Reiki Practitioner and I’m here to help women suffering from high-stress and burnout rediscover joy and implement strategies to overcome and BEAT the cycle of stress.

I help women feel empowered and release limiting beliefs, and it’s what I thrive at. After living through burn out and limiting beliefs myself, I create a nurturing and safe space for every woman I meet. Women specifically come to me when looking to cut ties from the past, find forgiveness and reduce the stress in their current lifestyle.

I am certified in internationally accredited Level 1, 2 & Master training in Traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki and Level 1 and 2 of Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. As well as being a member of the well-established International Reiki Organization. I will soon graduate from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as a Holistic Health Coach taking with me new found actionable and proven strategies to empower my clients.

After 2 years of honing my technique, I now successfully specialise in a unique approach to helping stressed, lost and burned out women feel empowered to find joy, balance, and challenge the societal ideals that ignite a cycle of burnout.

My approach is probably a bit different to what you’ve experienced before in holistic therapy.

I don’t rush you out of a session because I know that sometimes it takes time to talk out what you have experienced, or you need some space and time to recollect your thoughts and get back in to your body. I never lead with ego - it gets in the way of intuition, and comes from a selfish desire for validation. This is removed from any session with me. I merely act as a guide and channel for your highest good, and allow your intuition to lead the session. Any results you see, you can thank yourself for allowing yourself to accept the healing.

What I do instead? That’s easy. I let authenticity, compassion and intuition lead the way.

I lead the session with compassion and non-judgement. To ensure you feel safe, and nurtured throughout our time together. Sometimes people feel nervous or afraid, especially if they have never tried energy healing before and I understand it can be daunting to try out a new modality. I ensure you fully understand what to expect, how I work and if there are any triggers or boundaries we need to talk about before starting our session.

I work with other healing tools intuitively. I work strongly with my intuition, which means sometimes other tools are called upon during the session with your permission, such as crystals, herbs, card readings, guided meditation and affirmation practice.

We set intentions and goals together. Reiki specifically works where it is needed in the moment. However, setting an intention can be a very powerful tool to increase the progress during the session. By speaking out loud your intentions and goals, it makes those thoughts a reality for your brain to process and for them to be out in the universe to be manifested.

This is all, so you can leave your time spent working with me feeling empowered, confident and ready to tackle life in your own unique, inspired and authentic way with practical and actionable strategies to refer back to.

Does this sound like something you need? Get in touch today to start working together. I look forward to getting started!

On Core Spirit since July 2023
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Kate McCallum
Struggling with Sleep?

Over the last few weeks I've noticed a common issue arising with clients - struggling to fall asleep.

And this is something I've had to deal with too - more times than not the main problem is clearing your mind, and unwinding from the day. So here's some ideas for you to explore if you also suffer from hours of lying in bed but not catching any Zs!

Creating a Bedtime Routine
Scheduling in sleep may sound weird, but you will not regret it once you start! Start by scheduling the time you go to bed every night at the same time - give yourself 90 minutes - 1 hour to unwind, implement self care and remove any blue light screens from your environment. If you lead a busy life and need reminding pop an alarm on your phone so you never miss your bedtime routine. Try reading a book, or doing a guided meditation instead of scrolling on your phone!

*Extra tip: dim the lights in your house when the sun goes down to help promote your natural circadian rhythm

Removing caffeine early in the day
Caffeine has such a massive impact on our health, so reducing the amount can also improve your stress response as well as your sleep. If you love a coffee or black tea during the day, try to limit these drinks from 2 hours after you wake up, and 12pm. Drinking caffeine as soon as you wake up, or part of your morning routine can inhibit your natural wake/sleep rhythm and drinking too late in the day means the effects of the caffeine will still be affecting you when you go to bed.

If you're trying to go coffee free - alternatives like decaf can help the process, or natural cacao gives you a feeling of vitality without the nasty jittery feelings of coffee.

Limiting your alcohol & sugar in the evening
Give yourself a few hours between having a glass of wine or sugary snack to going to sleep. Giving your blood sugar time to stabilise will help you fall and stay asleep.

Putting pen to paper
This is my favourite tip... and it may not sound up your street but do give it a try! When you have a mind full of busy thoughts and you can feel the stress of tomorrow overwhelming you, grab a notebook and starting writing down any and ALL of the thoughts going on in your head. The physical practice of pen and paper helps your brain process these thoughts, and literally get them out of your mind and out on to the page. This also means in the morning you have your notes to go back to if you are worried you might forget something important.

  • Of course there are many other ways to help with sleep, but these are my favourite natural, non-invasive tips everyone can try.
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Kate McCallum9mo ago

New article Struggling with Sleep? already available! Read it now