Joshua Blatman
About Joshua Blatman With degrees in music, education, and project management, I help humans struggling with life circumstances to get a clearer sense of harmony in the bigger picture, find their personal power, and live intentionally from within the eye of their storm. My entry into astrology started in middle school in the 1990s and I heard there was data that demonstrated a correlation between the lunar cycle and human behavior. I was hooked! How could astrology NOT be real? I thought. It's just a question of how to extract meaning and personal agency from it. In my mind, astrology is a yes or no, it's a 'how much' and 'in what way', and then how can the principles be applied to LITERALLY ANY QUESTION in consciousness to help the client be more at cause in their own lives. I returned to astrology in 2010 with life experience and burning questions about synchronicities in the natural world and the deception I saw throughout mainstream culture. The greatest struggle society has with astrology is, in one sense, an obsession with duality (left vs. right, right vs wrong, etc) instead of seeing the world as layers of wholeness, and an unwillingness to confront its own shadow. Let me help you see yourself in your darkness and your light, so you can be a more fully integrated and alive person today. |
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