Educator Khubayb
About Educator Khubayb *Mr. Khubayb Akinwamide, am a student of Ui (University of Ibadan), I love writing, inspiring, motivating, public speaking couching (presentation) and Designing (Graphics Designer), am also a teacher in a private school named "Zuraai fountain of technology". I feel flabbergast and honoured to be called to any event or been called to help on one or two things, these are my life journey and I believe am still doing more by the special grace of God, I created this quote which kept me going; "I'm independent because I refuse to let anyone distract my rights, call me back when am wrong". |
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New session It's time to break the saying that I can't make a presentation facing the majori already available! Book it now
Mr. Khubayb Akinwamide, am a student of Ui (University of Ibadan), I love writing, inspiring, motivating, public speaking couching (presentation) and Designing (Graphics Designer), am also a teacher in a private school named "Zuraai fountain of technology". I feel flabbergast and honoured to be called to any event or been called to help on one or two things, these are my life journey and I believe am still doing more by the special grace of God, I created this quote which kept me going; "I'm independent because I refuse to let anyone distract my rights, call me back when am wrong".