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Maria Nyssa Olyvia

Nyssa is a current student of communication science at Gadjah Mada University. She got involved in multiple projects around communication, content writing, brand & marketing, social media, content planning, and partnership. She is dedicated to both personal and professional development. She's interested in exploring the topics of self-improvement, communication, leadership, and relationship.
Relationship Coaching
Communication Coaching
Life Coaching
Personal Development Coaching
Leadership Coaching
About Maria Nyssa Olyvia

Nyssa is a current student of communication science at Gadjah Mada University. She got involved in multiple projects around communication, content writing, brand & marketing, social media, content planning, and partnership. She is dedicated to both personal and professional development. She's interested in exploring the topics of self-improvement, communication, leadership, and relationship.

1 years of practice
On Core Spirit since March 2023
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Maria Nyssa Olyvia
Into The Unknown

“Give it a try”

“Go on, darling”

“Oh no, don’t go that way!”

“Hello…can’t you hear me?”

My heart whispered, screamed, and asked me to go for the unknown path. Come on…I’m very comfortable with what I have right now. I can hear you, but I’m just not ready to risk all of these. I’ve experienced enough. So, I’m really sorry. I’m blocking out your calls.

“Can you imagine if that unknown path leads you to a marvelous destination?”

“You’ll never know if you never try.”

What do you mean? Sometimes it also could take me to a place that I’m not dreamt of. Making big mistakes? Big no! I mean…I don’t want to look pathetic. I’m afraid.

"It’s only those who do nothing that makes no mistakes”

“There’s nothing wrong in making mistakes, as long as you strive to make it better.”

“I’m not here to distract you. I’m telling you that you’re not where you’re meant to be.”

“Follow me because something wonderful is waiting for you, darling.”

Can I really do it? Am I good enough to take the step?

“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.”

My heart said that the best is yet to come. It will come if I’m brave enough to take the step. I admit that there’s a part of me that longs to go. Deep down in my heart, I’m curious about which way the ride could take me.

Someone said that straight roads don’t make skillful drivers. Each failure is a lesson to grow. I really want to discover the better me. But, I just keep knowing without actually walking the path. I actually don’t want to regret it, because sometimes later becomes never.

On the other side, why do I feel uncomfortable whenever it comes? Seriously, I hate it. I’m feeling like running away from reality.

“It’s a sign, girl. Sign to grow, because you’ve never been before.”

“It means you explore the new zones. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Enjoy the process. Flowers will start to grow beautifully.”

How…how do I follow you?

“Take a chance. Try it. Fail? Then, learn and embrace it! Try again.”

“Go as far as you can. Feel the fear. Believe yourself. Let’s be adventurers!”

“Last, enjoy your journey into the unknown, darling.”

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