Wallace Murray
The most important part of what I do is to be an advocate and sounding board for you to be who you are meant to be on this planet. I have worked with over 4000 people to live their purpose. My challenge to you is to also choose the life you are meant to l…
About Wallace Murray The most important part of what I do is to be an advocate and sounding board for you to be who you are meant to be on this planet. I have worked with over 4000 people to live their purpose. My challenge to you is to also choose the life you are meant to live and to embrace what you know inside yourself. |
Expert in the fields:Emotional Trauma Therapy/Positive Psychology/Shamanism/Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)/Career Coaching
On Core Spirit since September 2021
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•3y ago
New session HYPNOTHERAPY already available! Book it now
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Wallace Murray
Feb 11, 2025, 17:00