I am a Certified Crystal Healer, an Advanced Crystal Practitioner, and a Level III Crystal Reiki master.
I started out as a crystal healer. I still am a crystal healer. Crystals are my everything, I use them, love them, and work with them. They have become my family by now.
But I grow, and growth often means the expansion of interests.
In 2020, I saw an interesting card deck in someone’s hands. It was like nothing I have ever seen before. At first, I was just watching the person use it, being mesmerized by the imagery. Then I mustered enough courage to ask what it was.
It is an astrological oracle that was developed by German psychologist Peter Orban.
I am a Symbolon Astrological Deck reader with some experience of reading at social events and individually.
In 2021, I learned a new way to work on myself: neurographics.
This structured art therapy method was invented by a Russian psychologist. I started practicing it to deal with my own issues, unload my head, and bring more positivity into my life. For someone who hates drawing, I have one too many art supplies now, and I carry my neurographics bag with me almost everywhere I go.
Neurographics has also become a way for me to ground and center, which is what many people gain during meditation: it lets me keep my hands busy while emptying my head of annoying thoughts. I wrote 3 books with neurographic algorithms that I personally created for different life areas and situations and am currently working on creating video instructions.