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Jen Unger

Oracle Cards Reading
Angel Healing
Energy Healing
Career Coaching
About Jen Unger
On Core Spirit since February 2020
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Soul Retrieval
Jen Unger
Soul Plan Reading

What exactly is a Soul Plan Reading…

Well, our names that were chosen for us in this current lifetime have a sound to them, a universal vibration. When we look at our name and change them into numbers they begin to tell us a new story.

We each came into this lifetime with a set of challenges to overcome a lesson that we wanted to learn. We also have our own unique talents and tool sets to help us not only overcome our challenges but also to help us to reach our goals.

A soul plan reading is like a blueprint to your life it gives you insight and confirmation. It’s a tool that helps you to tap into and harness your own uniqueness.

What you can expect during your soul plan reading session:
- Sacred space will be open and held
- Your own individual soul plan will be calculated for you based on your birth name
- Setting intentions for your soul plan experience
- Intuitive “Postcard from Spirit” card reading
- We will look at explore both your worldly & spiritual challenges, talents & goals as well as your soul destiny/purpose.
- Organic discussion on how this information can be incorporated and utilized in your daily life.
- Positive affirmation that can be used to create your own unique ritual at home.

Jen Unger
Mini Soul Plan Reading

What exactly is a Soul Plan Reading…

Well, our names that were chosen for us in this current lifetime have a sound to them, a universal vibration. When we look at our name and change them into numbers they begin to tell us a new story.

We each came into this lifetime with a set of challenges to overcome a lesson that we wanted to learn. We also have our own unique talents and tool sets to help us not only overcome our challenges but also to help us to reach our goals.

A soul plan reading is like a blueprint to your life it gives you insight and confirmation. It’s a tool that helps you to tap into and harness your own uniqueness.

What you can expect during your mini soul plan reading session:
- Sacred space will be open and held
- Your own individual soul plan will be calculated for you based on your birth name
- Setting intentions for your soul plan experience
- Intuitive “Postcard from Spirit” card reading
- We will look at explore your worldly challenges, talents & goals.
- Organic discussion on how this information can be incorporated and utilized in your daily life.
- Positive affirmation that can be used to create your own unique ritual at home.

Jen Unger
Intuitive Energy Work

During an Intuitive Energy Healing session I use a combination of IET (Integrated Energy Therapy), Holy Fire Reiki and different Breathing Techniques as well as crystals and sound as needed depending on what is going to be most beneficial for the receiver. As a result no two sessions are ever the same.

Integrated Energy Therapy is a hands-on healing therapy system that “gets the issues out of your tissues”…for good! It is a safe and gentle way of releasing energy blockages that can cause imbalance and disease in the body. IET promotes healing in all areas of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves.

The focus of IET is on clearing suppressed cellular memories and emotions (even karmic ones) from the energy anatomy and human energy field. IET is based on a unique cellular memory map in which 9 primary areas of the energy anatomy are identified as storing specific suppressed emotions. These areas are then targeted for clearing. IET hand positions are used on the body to clear these 9 cellular memory areas.

Holy Fire Reiki is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. Holy Fire® Reiki is a combination of traditional Usui Reiki and a contemporary evolution of Reiki.

Both healing modalities work together seamless and compliment the other. This results in a peaceful and powerful session that you will still feel the benefits of after the session is over.

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Jen Unger4y ago

New session Soul Plan Reading already available! Book it now

Jen Unger4y ago

New session Mini Soul Plan Reading already available! Book it now

Jen Unger4y ago

New session Intuitive Energy Work already available! Book it now

Soul Retrieval
Jen Unger
Soul Plan Reading
Jen Unger
Mini Soul Plan Reading
Jen Unger
Intuitive Energy Work