I'm a practitioner consultant, but I don't know how to get clients.
Without clients, anyone is doomed to go broke.
Immediately if you know how to get clients have a profitable business.
What are the best ways? Luckily, anyone can figure it out, it's easy.

There are only a few primary ways to get clients. Once you get it, it will be easy for you to take an action.
There are social networks, search advertising, specialized platforms and aggregators, content marketing, partnerships, email marketing, webinars and online seminars, as well as reviews and recommendations. Each of them has its up and down sides.
Social Networks, Facebook, Reddit, Intagram and others. We all use them anyway. This isn’t a bad choice. Of course, you look for clients where are lots of people. However, social media users are very diverse, and as a result, the chances of hitting the mark with your offer are quite low.
Additionally, social media is incredibly competitive, requiring significant investments of both time and money to break through. Their interfaces are often complex and slow, requiring a certain level of skill.
But the worst part? To make social media work, you constantly need to create new content — and this is extremely difficult. Don’t believe it? Try it! You’ll end up spending more time on content creation than on your actual work. Wanted to be a psychologist? Too bad — you’ll become a marketing specialist, or worse, a programmer.
And it doesn’t stop there. The content you painstakingly create will quickly become outdated. You’ll constantly need to buy ads because algorithms will reduce the reach of your posts. Your posts will lose relevance quickly, and your client base will burn out. This is exactly how social media earns money, which is why they’re so wealthy.
The most unpleasant part is that all of this will heavily distract you from the main work you want to focus on.
Google Search, Bing and others. This seems like a fast and effective solution. It feels like you can just set up ads on Google or Facebook and not worry about it anymore. However, this always requires significant financial investment, without exception.
Direct advertising works well for products people use daily — food, clothes, household items, etc. However, if customers need an explanation to understand the value of your service, direct advertising doesn’t work. Beginners don’t understand this, and everyone, without exception, loses money on it — often an alarming amount.
The problem isn’t that Google is somehow cheating advertisers. No, Google does provide ad views honestly. But the people it brings are entirely random; they look, don’t get anything, and leave.
Platforms. Best way to attract clients, there are only a few main questions that matter:
- How much does it cost to acquire a client? (Customer Acquisition Cost or CAC)
- How long does it take? How quickly can you get a client?
- How technically complicated is it?
If you want promote yourself as good as possible, get clients quickly, and avoid technical difficulties, targeted platforms are the best solution. It's because they already have potential clients. And what's more important clients trust to the platform.
We use platforms every day, like Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, etc. Once you find proper platform for your field within a few clicks you can get sells nearly immediately. Of course, there are obsticles. You have to formulate the offer correctly, set the price and set up targeting. But these are feasible tasks.
Without platforms, people spent crazy amounts of time and money instead of making a profit. They made crazy websites on builders like Wix. They became programmers and marketers. They spent huge amounts of money hiring specialists. And as a result, they always got disappointment, lost time and money. Want the same? Go ahead.
Opportunities arise only when this phase is over. Mind is clear. You don't want to waste anymore. You don't want to do any stupidity anymore. You want do and growth your business. And you’re ready use right tools. Stop invent your crazy bicycle which nobody ever want's to ride. As long as there’s hope to do everything yourself quickly and for free, there’s no hope at all.
If you still don’t get that the only way to sell is by buying traffic, here are two pieces of bad news. First, until you accept that you need to buy traffic, you’ll waste not only money on unsuccessful attempts but also a much more valuable resource — your time. Second, if you’re not ready to accept this, there’s no point in continuing to read this text; there’s nothing here for you.
For those who understand that buying traffic is the only way, you may find the most effective method of doing so. Platforms provide two key things: a way to present your offer and targeted traffic. You create your offer, pay for traffic, and if your offer is good, you immediately get clients and income. This can happen very quickly when your offer matches the client’s need. Just a few clicks to publish your offer, pay for ads, and start getting clients.
When it comes to efficiency, the most critical factor is choosing the right platform. To do this, you need to carefully evaluate which of the available platforms is the best fit for your needs — this is critically important. Making the right choice isn’t hard, but there’s one important nuance to keep in mind.
Choosing the right platform depends on your situation. To match with your situation you can answer a few questions. You will immediately understand which option is ideal for you.
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