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Randy Moredock, PhD, LCMFT

I have been a practicing therapist most of my adult life, so I have a good sense of who I am as a therapist and as a person.I enjoy what I do and feel privileged to be invited into the personal lives of those I assist. I practice a very collaborative style of therapy and feel that change happens when we work together to develop a good working relationship. I speciaize in couples work. .
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Abnormal Psychology
Behavior therapy
Career Coaching
Family Psychology
About Randy Moredock, PhD, LCMFT

I have been a practicing therapist most of my adult life, so I have a good sense of who I am as a therapist and as a person.I enjoy what I do and feel privileged to be invited into the personal lives of those I assist. I practice a very collaborative style of therapy and feel that change happens when we work together to develop a good working relationship. I speciaize in couples work. .

13 years of practice
On Core Spirit since June 2021
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