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Antoine Garth

Hi! I have been a student and practitioner of astrology, tarot and yoga for 30 years, and am currently teaching classes and doing readings in all three modalities. If “The weakest link in astrology is the astrologer,“then it is the responsibility of the astrologer to be able to reflect the power and versatility of astrology by providing a reading that is specific, accurate and relevant.
Tarot Reading
Horary Astrology
Natal Astrology
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga
About Antoine Garth

Hi! I have been a student and practitioner of astrology, tarot and yoga for 30 years, and am currently teaching classes and doing readings in all three modalities.

If “The weakest link in astrology is the astrologer,“then it is the responsibility of the astrologer to be able to reflect the power and versatility of astrology by providing a reading that is specific, accurate and relevant.

On Core Spirit since November 2020
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Antoine Garth
Just Say No To The Zodiac Alphabet

Most of us are familiar with this concept, indeed many people use it as an indispensible learning tool. It’s fairly

simple. Aries=the 1st house, Taurus=2nd house, Gemini=3rd house, etc.

In my opinion, this correlation is in serious error, and purposely obscures the actual meanings of the houses represented. This connection seemed to make sense because the zodiac signs and the houses in order represent the same parts of the body.

Let’s look at them

Aries and the 1st house = the head.

Taurus and the 2nd house = the throat.

Gemini and the 3rd house = the shoulders.arms and hands.

Cancer and the 4th house = the chest(breasts) and stomach.

Leo rules the 5th house = the back, sides and heart.

Virgo and the 6th house = the digestive syste and viscera.

Libra and the 7th house = the lower back and kidneys.

Scorpio and the 8th house = the sex organs, bladder and anus.

Sagittarius and the 9th house = the hips and thighs.

Capricorn and the 10th house = the knees

Aquarius and the 11th house = the legs to the ankles

Pisces and the 12th house = the feet.

And, for the most part, that’s where the correlation between the signs and the house ends. How so?

The 1st house is specifically corpus, vitae, ingenium which means body, life and inclination. Aries is a sign of vitality and aggression, but has no authority over the body of the native in the way that the ascendant and its planetary ruler do.

The 2nd house is the house of money and substance. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is interested in amassing and enjoying substances, but usually things that satisfy the senses. The 2nd house and the ruler of the 2nd can show your money situation and issues, and whether you attain wealth or not.

Equating Gemini with the 3rd house has really obscured and diluted its traditional meaning. Since it is a mutable air sign, it has conferred onto the 3rd communications of all kinds. But the 3rd house is the house of siblings and most people know the 9th to be the house of long-distance journeys, but the 3rd is the house of short journeys and road trips.

Equating Cancer with the 4th house has led to the confusion about which parent belongs to which angle, and to switching the traditional order. The 4th house is the house of father and family of origin (which is usually taken from the father in patriarchal cultures). The 7th house from the father represents the father’s wife, the mother. This would make the 10th house the house of mother. I’ve seen people switching them, and if its working for you, fantastic. Also, Cancer rules the oceans and waters, but the name of the IC/4th house is “Subterranean,” and it also rules land,buildings, houses, agriculture and treasure buried in the ground. The 4th is also known as the house of “secrets.” Think of that within the context of families of origin.

I’ve talked a lot about the Leo/5th house situation. The 5th house is now called the house of creativity. It is traditionally the house of children, sexual pleasures and other amusements. It is the joy of Venus. Leo is ruled by the Sun. They are not similar in temperament. When I talk about the 5th house, I talk a lot about “fertile” and “sterile” signs. The fertile, or fruitful signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The sterile signs are Gemini, Leo and Virgo. Leo is ruled by the Sun who is a danger to any planet who comes close to him because of his excess heat (combustion). Leo is excessively hot and dry, not conducive to the environment of the womb. Just say no to Leo=5th house!

Virgo=6th is one that purposely obscures the negative meaning of this house. Called now the house of health, the 6th has always been known as the house of illness and infirmity. The 1st house represents the health of the body. The 6th house represents the illnesses that attack it. The 6th house is the joy of Mars, and was traditionally called “Bad Fortune.” It is also the house of servants, service people, and domesticated animals.

Libra=7th limits the meaning of the 7th to love relationships and marriage, but it has a plethora of meanings that also revolve around its representation of the open enemy, or competition. The 7th house represents marriage, open enemies, law suits, contracts, war, buying and selling, thieves and theft, lost items and animals and hunting.

Scorpio=8th is another ploy at obscuring (occulting? - very 8th house) the traditional meaning. I know that people are putting sex in the 8th house (it belongs in the 5th or 7th) because of the rulership over the sex organs. But traditionally, the 8th is the house of darkness, trauma and death. It is called “epicataphora” or going down into the underworld. Not the glamorous 8th that I see so many trying to decipher now.

Sagittarius=9th house works for long distance travel and higher education, but the 9th is the joy of the Sun and has a whole religious aspect. It represents bishops and priests. It was called “God,” and represented healing and prophetic dreams and talent with divination. All of these things are under the traditional rulership of the Sun.

Capricorn=10th seems to make sense when we think of career and work, but Saturn, its ruler is isolative. The 10th house is intensely public, representing rank and reputation. The 10th was also called “praxis” or action and is involved in all decision making.

Aquarius=11th house is one of the worst pairings in this alphabet, as Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and the 11th house is one of the most auspicious houses of the chart. It was traditionally called “Good Spirit” and represented friends and patronage that assisted you towards your hopes and wishes. The 11th house is the joy of Jupiter, who is the opposite of Saturn.

Pisces=12th house is another attempt to obscure negative meanings. The 12th house represents isolation, confinement, unseen enemies and ones’ self-undoing.

My point in writing this is to make it clear that, even if you personally are not using these meanings for the houses, they are still operating according to these definitions, and offer extra interpretive insight for you as astrologers.

Antoine Garth
Are You Asking A Question, or Asking For A Reading: When Horary Is The Better Option

Because natal astrology has eclipsed the other branches of astrology and taken total precedence, I see many people posting their natal charts looking for answers to specific, time-sensitive questions.

These are some of the specific questions I see posted most often:

Life sucks. When will life get better?

I’ve been looking for a job, when will I get it?

When will love come?

Should my husband and I start this business?

What career should I choose?

Should I move to this location?

As opposed to questions that are intrinsic to the natal chart, like…

Can someone tell me what this means?

Roast me.

Any insight is appreciated.

Tell me about myself.

Tell me about my love life.

Why does my life suck?

Why does my love life suck?

What career should I choose?

Notice that the questions in the first group are “when” questions. This group of questions fall into the category of Horary Astrology, and can best be answered using a chart for the time that the question presses most strongly on your mind. You would then create a chart for the date, present time of the question and your current location. The sole function of the horary chart is to describe your situation and answer your question. What I generally see is people trying to apply upcoming transits to the question at hand, but horary can address timing in a much more specific manner.

The “whys” and the “wherefores” of the second category fall under natal readings, as they are asking about recurring patterns and cycles which the planets in the natal chart may indicate.

Notice also that “What career should I choose?” can be answered by either horary or natal chart (so can the love question), but of course the natal is preferred. This means, however, if you are wondering which career you would choose and you don’t have your birth time, you could create a horary chart for the time of the question and that chart would be able to answer the question just as accurately.

I used to live in Thailand, and I would spend a month a year on the islands in the south on astrological work-cation. People wanted readings, but very few had access to their birth times. This is when I discovered how incredibly, powerfully specific horary astrology was and became a devotee of the practice.

For those new to astrology, this distinction between specific, time-related questions and natal readings will give you more options for how to use astrology and more opportunity to witness its power. Of course, provided there are astrologers versed in horary.

Antoine Garth
The Grand Trine

Grand Trines attract a lot of excitement, confusion and wishful thinking.

First of all, lets talk about the trine. The trine has always been considered the most beneficial of the aspects. It has always conveyed a meaning of ease and ability. Receiving a trine aspect from a benefic planet has always been considered a boon.

In essence, the trine is the aspect of “yes” and “can,” as is the sextile on a smaller scale. The trine is an aspect of cooperation and working together harmoniously, as planets that are in trine to each other do so. The trine is the aspect of permission. On the opposite side of the aspect spectrum is the opposition, which is the aspect of no and can’t.

Astrology has spent a lot of time in consideration of the importance of the number 3 and integrated much of the philosophical, geometrical and metaphysical knowledge into the astrological system. Ancient astrologers talk about what are called “triplicities” and “trigons.”

The trigons are the “corners” of the chart: houses 1, 5 and 9, and were considered auspicious houses to be placed in. As the leading angle, the 1st house is the strongest house in the chartto be placed in, the 5th was called “Good Fortune” and represented children and gifts, and the 9th house was called “God,” and was connected to royalty and kingship. These houses are 120 degrees away from each other.

The triplicities refers to the four elements: fire, earth, air, water, in combination with the three qualities of sign: cardinal,fixed and mutable, which gives three zodiac signs per element. Thus, the idea of a triplicity consisted of the three zodiac signs that made up the totality of the element.

In other words, the element of the grand trine matters and the triplicity needs to be complete in order to be considered one. From this we can see that the grand trine puts each element on display for public view in the totality of its expression: cardinal, fixed and mutable. This implies a certain virtuosity and versatility bestowed upon the native by the grand trine.

As a result, I am of the opinion that, in order to have a Grand Trine, all three planets (or more) involved in the configuration must be expressing the element in its totality and representing a cardinal, fixed and mutable sign in that element. My opinion is no out of sign, which would mean out of element, aspects for grand trines.

I am also of the opinion that only planets should be included in the configuration. As I have previously mentioned, asteroids and planetoids, nodes and angles have no agency of their own and are governed by the planets who rule the signs they occupy. Planets, including the outer planets, have the personal agency to effect events and outcomes.

I mentioned my opinion about the necessity for a complete “triplicity” recently, and someone disagreed with me using their out of sign “Grand Trine” in their own chart. The impression they gave of it, was like a wagon with a wheel missing; Not quite the full expression, but should still be referred to as a Grand Trine. I propose from now on that we refer to out-of-sign “grand trines” as “Grandiose Trines,” not fully the real thing but aspiring to be included.

Needless to say, with a real grand trine all the wheels are on and the vehicle is triple-loaded and ready for warp speed.

Grand Trine Elements

The Earth Grand Trine - The earth is either fruitful or fallow, so production and results will be foremost in the mind of the native with this configuration. Earth is about that which is tangible, so, at best, the native will use the supplemental energies provided by the grand trine to manifest tangible results.

The Fire Grand Trine - Fire can take many shapes and forms, from a smoldering ember to a raging forest fire, so self expression, impulse and self-inflation have to be controlled for this configuration. Fire is considered of the “choleric” temperament because of its ability to destroy. The choleric temperament is connected to ire, anger, violence and rashness. Fire can be warming and comfort giving or it can destroy everything around it. The native with this configuration needs to “temper” their self-expression in order to not “burn bridges.” The native who has this grand trine will generally feel great about it. The people around the native, not so much.

The Air Grand Trine - I call this “the vortex of ideas.” Air is about ideas on the mental plane and the fluency with which those ideas are communicated. This should be an intensely mental and verbal configuration that should love debate and intense discussion on a variety of topics. There should be a love for all types of media and ways to “connect.” The nature, depending on the planets, should be highly social and thrive on interaction. The air signs and Virgo are called “human” or “humane” because they feature humans in their sigils (someone is holding the scales of Libra, someone is holding the water pot in Aquarius), once again highlighting the need for human interaction.

The Water Grand Trine - This has the potential to be a highly sexual placement, as I have found in my research that water signs are among the most sexual of the zodiac. Scorpio is of course known for sex because of its rulership of the sex organs, but Pisces is the exaltation of Venus, who rules sex, coitus and semen. Cancer isn’t typically thought of as a highly sexual sign, but it is a sign that constantly reaches for something to stabilize its emotional state. That could be food, sex, drugs, video games, etc. Using sex to fulfill emotional needs for closenes, or to just fill an emotional void is highly common and I have definitely seen high sex drive and strong motivation to acquire sex in the charts and lives of people with important Cancer placements. If you see Moon trine Jupiter trine Venus in water signs, that’s a sexual dynamo. Other expressions of this grand trine are a heightening of the intuitive, empathic and absorbent aspects of water placement. Natives with this configuration may need to be more vigilant about self-protection because of the heightened sensitivity of this configuration.

Things to look for:

Is the ruler of the ascendant or the Moon involved in the configuration? They represent you in the chart, and the grand trine will express through your own behavior and actions.

Note the houses the planets in the configuration occupy and the houses they rule by sign. This will key you in to the areas of life that are being highlighted. This will also allow you to identify others who may be involved besides yourself.

The sign a planet is in matters more than signs matter in the abstract. Zodiac signs can dictate whether a planet has the ability to operate as per its own nature or not. Planets in their own signs and exaltations can operate according to their natures. Planets in the signs opposite to those are weak and unpredictable in behavior. Planets in signs where they are complete strangers (called peregrine) will act according to the condition of the ruler of the sign they occupy. Example: Jupiter in Scorpio is peregrine, and his actions will be dictated by Mars.

Watch out for Venus/Jupiter in the configuration. I’ve already talked about Venus/Jupiter being “too much of a good thing,” and though it is usually considered a thoroughly beneficial trine, I have seen Venus/Jupiter in charts of people with all kinds of issues with addiction.

Are the trines applying or separating? If all three of the trines are applying it will intensify the configuration, even more so if there is translation. An example of an applying grand trine would be Mercury at 17 Virgo trining Venus at 21 Taurus trining Saturn at 25 Capricorn. That would be a very strong grand trine as all three planets are in their own sign. A translating grand trine would involve Mercury separating from Venus to apply to Saturn, giving him her light: Venus at 21 Taurus, Mercury at 23 Virgo and Saturn at 25 Capricorn. Mercury here translates Venus’ light to Saturn. As in the case of the T-square, I would consider this the most intense expression of the grand trine.

How tight are the orbs?

The closer the aspect, the more intense the effect. I see lots of wide orbs included in these configurations, but the closer the aspect is to exact the stronger the effects of the aspect.

Antoine Garth
Understanding The Nodes

From time to time I tend to see “How do I work with my North Node?” questions, and I thought I would give my opinion based on my experience.

The nodes are points on the ecliptic that have the power to extinguish the light of the luminaries. The luminaries are the Sun and the Moon. They are not planets, but in Vedic astrology they are called “shadow-planets,” as they generally rule over the realm of that which cannot be seen by the eye.

But in the western tradition, the understanding of the nodes has always been “shadowy” and nebulous. As far back as 400 years ago astrologers were arguing about whether a planet with the north node was good and a planet with the south node was bad, or whether a planet with both was bad, etc.

I have been studying vedic astrology for a long time, and while I don’t want to bring vedic techniques to the western table, I do think there is one important thing to think about when dealing with the North Node in particular, since it seems to be connected with “your destiny” and the area of life that we are supposed to be trying to cultivate in order to evolve and ultimately ascend.

One author of jyotish calls the nodes “the karmic control planets.” He (and I) see them as dispensers of karmic conditions, but on behalf of the planet who owns the sign the node occupies.This is my opinion, but only planets have full agency in the chart. The various rocks and asteroids and dust-bunnies, on which multiple meanings have been attached, have no agency because they rule no signs or areas of life represented by the houses. The same can be said for the cusp of the angles.

This means that the nodes work for the planets, and you should be looking for the planets that rule the nodes, in combination with the house occupied by the nodes, to get a full picture of “where your destiny is pointing you.”

An example: Someone wrote in asking how to work with their north node, which was in Aries in the 9th house. I wrote to him looking at the condition of Mars, which was in a powerful stellium in Leo in the 1st house. The Sun, the ruler of Leo, was also present and combusting all of the stellium.

I went into a delineation of 1st house and visibility, Mars and its connection to athletics and fitness, etc and talked about how ideas of that nature could create a curriculum, or philosophy of health and vitality (Sun) of which he could be guru (9th). He wrote back that, yes, he was quite interested in the health of his body and fitness, but that he also liked to write songs, and did I see anything about that.

The nodes oppose each other, and thus appear in opposing signs. The native’s north node was in Aries. The sign opposing Aries is Libra, where the south node was occupied.

Libra is ruled by Venus, who was also involved in the stellium with the Sun, and music, singing (Taurus another sign she rules, rules the throat), dancing and the arts in general.

The south node in Libra is representing Venus, thus her significations and meanings are to be considered past strengths and accomplishments away from which we must tear our selves in this life.

The North Node in Aries is representing Mars, and through the combination of taking into account of the placement of the node in the 9th house, and the condition and placement of Mars, a judgement could be made about what the future direction looked like.

The Nodes work on behalf of the planets that rule the sign they occupy. To work with the north node, combine the house placement of the node, and any planets in may be in conjunction with, with the condition and house placement of the planet who rules the sign the node occupies.

Antoine Garth
Working With The T-Square

I often see people asking how to work with their T-square. As a classical astrologer I rarely use them in readings, but as a result of seeing so many questions involving them, I decided to do some research.

I find most of what I read about T-squares to be vague and frustrating. Below I give some specific ideas regarding what you’re working with and how to work with it.

Depending on the configuration, I prefer to see the T-square as a planet squaring an opposition instead of three squares. Squares and opposition are known as “hard aspects,” and are to be considered stressful and difficult.

There is a lot of talk about the dynamism of the T-square, but it’s important to note that oppositions have the power to impede, destroy and frustrate. Squares create tension, pressure and require effort to make them productive.

Does It Involve You?

The first thing to note is whether the ruler of the ascendant or the Moon are involved in the configuration. The ruler of the ascendant and the Moon represent the entire person, and are your representatives in the natal chart. A T-square involving one or both of these planets will be felt in an extremely personal way, and may affect your body and physical well-being as well.

What Areas of Life Are Involved

The second thing to note is the houses ruled by the planets involved. Part of what I think makes T-squares so stressful is how many areas of life become embroiled in the configuration. Except for the Sun and Moon, the planets rule two signs each (classical rulerships), which gives them rulerships over two different houses, or areas of life. Take note of which ones are involved.

What If The T-Square Isn’t Just About You?

As mentioned, the ruler of the ascendant and the Moon represent you, but some planets represent other people in your life based on the houses they rule. For instance, if the ruler of the 3rd is involved in the T-square, your sibling may be the focus, and not you. Imagine a T-square where the ruler of the 4th (father) opposes the ruler of the 3rd (brother or sister) and is squared by the ruler of the 10th (mother). That T-square is about mom in the middle of explosive issues between your father and your brother. The T-square isn’t always just talking about you.

Note the House Placement

Note the houses occupied by the planets in the T-square. All will help to identify where in your life and how the T-square is operating. A Mars/Saturn opposition squared by the chart ruler in houses 2 (money), 8 (debt) and 11 (friends) may give us a situation where friends borrow money often creating arguments and contentions.

Application and Separation

Astrologers of the past believed that applying aspects represented incoming influences, or what was going to happen, and separating aspects represented influences that were moving away and what has already transpired.

Application takes place when a faster planet is in a lower degree of the zodiac from a slower planet and approaching any partile (exact) aspect. For example, Moon is 3 Taurus applying to the sextile of Venus at 6 Pisces, or Venus at 6 Pisces applying to the square of Jupiter at 9 Sagittarius. An example of separation takes place when Jupiter is at 9 Sagittarius and Venus is at 11 Pisces. The square has already taken place, and its influence is dissipating.

In my opinion, applying T-squares should be more dynamic and stressful than separating ones: Moon at 3 Taurus squaring Mars at 7 Aquarius and Jupiter at 9 Leo. Moon is applying to Mars who is applying to Jupiter. But the most dynamic T-square should take place when the fastest planet is translating light. Translation takes place when the fastest planet is between the two slower planets and passes the virtue of one to the other. An example: Mars at 7 Aquarius, Moon at 8 Taurus and Jupiter at 9 Leo. Moon then translates light from Mars to Jupiter and makes the configuration even more intense.

The Focal Planet

The nature of the planet: Jupiter - increase, Venus- pleasure, Mars - agression, etc., its sign placement (strong or weak?), its house placement and the houses it rules will give you a comprehensive view of the energy you must use to “salve,” or salvage the situation. The key is using the planet in a decisive way. Squares are highly productive with decisive and sustained action.

In essence, this is what the T-square really represents: a situation approaching calamity or crisis which is triaged by the decisive and sustained action of someone with agency.

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New article Just Say No To The Zodiac Alphabet already available! corespirit.com/articles/just-say-no-to-the-zo…

New article Are You Asking A Question, or Asking For A Reading: When Horary Is The Better Option already available! corespirit.com/articles/are-you-asking-a-ques…

New article The Grand Trine already available! corespirit.com/articles/the-grand-trine-bitalu

New article Understanding The Nodes already available! corespirit.com/articles/understanding-the-nod…

New article Working With The T-Square already available! corespirit.com/articles/working-with-the-t-sq…