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Brianna Fitzgerald, LMSW

Brianna has worked with various client’s and populations over the years. She has worked with at-risk youth, treatment foster children, adults with substance abuse issues, and clients of all ages who have experienced significant amounts of trauma, relationship recovery, and toxicity. Brianna has incorporated spiritual healing with the methods she has gained throughout her educational endeavors.
Cognitive therapy
Tarot Reading
Distance Healing
Chakra Balancing
Chakra Meditation
About Brianna Fitzgerald, LMSW

Brianna has worked with various client’s and populations over the years. She has worked with at-risk youth, treatment foster children, adults with substance abuse issues, and clients of all ages who have experienced significant amounts of trauma, relationship recovery, and toxicity. Brianna has incorporated spiritual healing with the methods she has gained throughout her educational endeavors.

On Core Spirit since May 2020
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New session Tarot reading already available! corespirit.com/services/tarot-reading-a1i91y

New session 60 minute spiritual healing session already available! corespirit.com/services/60-minute-spiritual-h…

Spiritual Healing
Brianna Fitzgerald, LMSW
60 minute spiritual healing session
Tarot Reading
Brianna Fitzgerald, LMSW
Tarot reading