<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Ronya Krychtol | Core Spirit

Ronya Krychtol

My interest in both dreams and astrology have started in my childhood and they were always a big part of my day to day reality. Growing up I was able to learn and manifest the necessary knowledge to help people around me. Naturally I want to increase my ability to help people by expanding my services online. Please feel free to ask me anything!
Lucid Dreaming
Natal Astrology
Dream Interpretation
About Ronya Krychtol

My interest in both dreams and astrology have started in my childhood and they were always a big part of my day to day reality. Growing up I was able to learn and manifest the necessary knowledge to help people around me. Naturally I want to increase my ability to help people by expanding my services online.

Please feel free to ask me anything!

On Core Spirit since March 2020
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