Geraldine Crane
About Geraldine Crane Geraldine Crane is a Serene Spiritual Empowerment Guide, she works with women who have had a difficult or harmful relationship with their mothers, to realise their worth, find peace and develop a loving relationship with themselves, and in doing so develop happier healthier relationships in all areas of their lives. Geraldine uses Serene Spiritual Coaching, hypnotherapy and inner child therapy to help them reconnect with their inner child, their inner divinity, and the love of their Spirit Guides. By giving them a safe space to release the feelings that have been repressed, to change their beliefs around themselves and feel the love that is available to them, she is able to help them realise their worth and the power they have to change their whole experience of life. ....... Geraldine previously worked as a Probation Officer and later a Domestic Abuse Recovery Worker. But whilst working with domestic abuse victims, understanding the many forms abuse can take, Geraldine started to realise much of it was far too familiar, and with the support of a counsellor, came to realise how harmful and unhealthy her relationship with her mother was. She finally realised that the pressure this relationship had been placing on her was the cause of the chronic anxiety she had been battling with since she was a teenager, and which at the age of 37 was causing her to struggle with simple everyday tasks, but most importantly was preventing her from being the mother to her children, that she really wanted to be. And so, 6 years ago, Geraldine took the very hard decision to cut contact with her mother, but it set her on a path that completely changed her life as she started learn all she could to heal her mother-wounds. As part of that healing journey, Geraldine trained as a hypnotherapist, which also helped her to reconnect with her spirituality and to the healing power of the love of her Spirit Guides. Geraldine also started exploring various spiritual principles and found a better understanding of herself, her worth and how to bring peace into her life. In time she started to break free from the guilt and the shame and started to truly see and love who she was. And now Geraldine loves to share all those tools, techniques and spiritual principles to help others heal their mother-wounds, to release themselves of beliefs or thoughts about themselves that hold them back from a peaceful life and happy healthy relationships with others. |
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